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Mequon Campus Trees: Firebird® Crabapple


 Malus sargentii ‘Select A’

Firebird® Crabapple

described by Nami Morningstar


  Firebird Crabapple in winter  

   Persistent fruits of the Firebird Crabapple

Firebird Crabapple in Spring

Spring blossoms and buds of the Firebird








Description:This Johnson Nursery original reaches a mature height of only 8 feet with a spread of 12 feet and grows slowly. It prefers moist, well-drained sites in full sun. With both single and multi-stemmed forms it is useful on small lots as a large ornamental shrub or small tree.


Winter Characteristics:When the leaves have fallen away the tree remains a haze of red, small bright fruit clinging to the branches through autumn rains and winter snowfalls. They begin to thin as winter fades and hungry birds pluck them to fill hungry bellies.


Spring Characteristics: Generally flowering in April or May these trees have been designed to bloom thickly with white flowers after the dark green leaves have flushed out. The blossoms are fragrant and short-lived, but impressive while they last.





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Firebird Crabapple


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