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Linking to Resources in Blackboard

This guide was designed to introduce you to library resources you can include in your Blackboard courses, and instructions for linking to them.

Where to find permalinks in Films on Demand

screenshot of Films on Demand permalink

Blackboard Ultra Workaround

  1.  In your Ultra course, navigate to the area where you want to share this link (Example: Week 1). Within this location, click the + icon, click CREATE, and click then DOCUMENT.

  2. On the new document page that appears, give the document a name. Then, click ADD CONTENT.

  3. In the text-editor that appears, add a brief introduction and the name of the video. Highlight the name of the video and click the LINK icon. 

    Screenshot image of the text-editor within Blackboard. Add text and create a hyperlink to share the Films on Demand video.
  4. In the INSERT LINK pop-up form that appears, past the copied URL to the video. Then, click INSERT.
    Screenshot image of a hyperlink in the Ultra text-editor. Locate the availability settings in the top-right corner of the screen.

  5. The text-editor will update. Make the Document page visible to students and then click the SAVE button.

  6. The new Document with the link to the video will be a part of your course menu. Students will click on the Document to access the video.

Example lesson in an Ultra course that contains a document with Films on Demand video content.


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