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OER and Textbook Alternatives: Funding Opportunities

MATC OER Faculty grant

WTCS OER 2024 Faculty Grant Application: Download the word document linked below to apply now. 

Thanks to a generous Wisconsin state grant, we can now offer select grants to adopt ($1500) or create ($3000) OER texts for MATC courses in 2024. 

The OER grant applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Applications will be reviewed during the last week of each month until 12/2024. 

Be sure to complete the application and submit with lead faculty's and dean's signatures.


Perkins Career and Tech Grants

WCTS Grants


Click here for Grant opportunities

Funds under this category are available for the following purposes:

  • Apprentice-Related Instruction

  • Career Pathways

  • Developing Markets

  • Professional Growth

  • Completion

  • Workforce Advancement Training (WAT)


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