The Library welcomes donations provided they adhere to the selection policies and provided there are no restrictions attached. The librarians will decide whether to add the item(s) to the library collection. When accepted, donations become the permanent property of the Library and may not be returned to the donor. With regard to donations accepted, it shall be made clear to the donor that the Library will determine the classification, housing, circulation, and removal policies of all gift items just as with purchased items.
If the donor wishes to claim a charitable deduction for income tax purposes, the donor is responsible for making an inventory and for assessing the current fair market value. No member of the Library staff may assess a value or give an appraisal, as the Library cannot assume responsibility for assigning value for tax credit purposes.
If requested by the donor, the Library will include a “Donated by...” plate inside the front cover of each book donated. Unless the plate is provided by the donor, the Library will choose the size and style of the plate.
The Library will also accept monetary donations through the MATC Foundation.