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Academic Support, Oak Creek Campus: Testing services

Learn about tutoring (and more) at the Academic Support Center in A100D at the South Campus.

Instructors, to request test monitoring for makeup tests only, use our Instructor Test Monitoring Request Form.

Testing center: for students

  • A picture ID is required to take a test. 
  • Students must know the name of their instructor to take their test.
  • Students can come in any time the ASC is open to take a test. It is advised to give yourself enough time to take your test.
    • For example, if you have a 3 hour exam to take, but you come in an hour before closing, you will only get an hour for your test.
  • Instructions are given to the student prior to their test - Including their time limit, if they are allowed books and/or notes, and if they are allowed a break.
    • If a student has a discrepancy with the stated rules, they may talk to their teacher and take the test another time. ASC staff members are NOT ALLOWED to change any testing rules without instructor's approval.
  • Students can store belongings that are not allowed into the testing booth in lockers.
  • Cell phones - including Bluetooth ear pieces and Apple Watches - are NOT ALLOWED in the testing booth. 
  • If suspected of cheating or breaking any rules, the student will be notified ASAP as well as the instructor when the test is finished. 

Testing center: for teachers

  • Instructors MUST fill out a test taking form prior to each student taking exam/quiz. To request test monitoring for makeup tests only, use our Instructor Test Monitoring Request form or a paper variation available in the lab.
    • Do NOT give form to student to fill out!
    • Make sure form is complete, including students name on each form. If students name is not on form we will not be able to give exam/quiz to the student until this is completed properly.
  • Instructors should leave the test form and the test either paper clipped or stapled together in their folder in the appropriate drawer.
    • Instructors CAN e-mail ASC staff a filled out testing form and test to put into their folder.
  • Instructors should inform students to bring a picture I.D. when taking a test, or when picking up an assignment or anything else from the ASC.
  • Students are NOT allowed to use cell phones during their exam for any reason (ie. Using calculators on their cell phones, bringing up notes, or using phone as a resource will NOT be allowed.)
  • Instructors should inform their students of any time limit given on the exam so they can plan their time accordingly.
  • Please do NOT bring in groups for test taking. We only have 6 testing booths and are unable to support groups of students.
  • Any student taking an exam MUST stop at the front desk prior to entering the testing booth. Instructors cannot walk students into the testing area and leave the room without checking in at the front desk first.

Please keep in mind that test taking in the ASC is a privilege for instructors and their students and these policies are set in place to help it run smoothly & limit the possibility of cheating or confusion while your students are taking exams.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Tutoring and Academic Support locations

Downtown Milwaukee Campus:

Computer Center, M273 | Math & Science Center, C271 | Writing Center, M241

Regional Campuses:

Mequon Campus, A282 | Oak Creek Campus, A100D | West Allis Campus, Room 249