Tutoring Services & Academic Support
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Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester at MATC!
BIOSCI – 177 General Anatomy & Physiology
BIOSCI – 179 Advanced Anatomy & Physiology
BIOSCI – 201 Anatomy & Physiology 1
BIOSCI – 202 Anatomy & Physiology 2
BIOSCI – 236 Principles of Biology
Monday 1:30pm-4:30pm
Tuesday 8:00am-11:00am, 12:00pm-4:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am-1:00pm
Thursday 8:00am-11:00am, 12:00pm-5:00pm
Friday 8:00am-10:00am, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm
*Hours are subject to change without notice
For Saturday A&P Open Lab the Main C Building entrance at by 8th St & Highland Blvd is open for students to enter.
CLOSED: Tuesday 2/18/25, Wednesday 3/19/25, Thursday 3/20/25, Friday 4/18/25, Saturday 4/19/25
Hours for Spring Break 4/11/25-4/19/225 will be posted at a later date.
Models are available in the STEM Educational Center (C278) even if there is no scheduled A&P Open Lab.
Models are also available in the Science Room of the Math & Science Center in C271 when tutors are available (check this link for tutor schedules A&P Tutors).
The STEM Educational Center is designed to advance the national STEM agenda of diversifying the pipeline, exposing, encouraging and preparing a new generation of STEM professionals, strengthening STEM industry and community partnerships, and building bridges with national STEM Centers. The STEM Center is available for use by students of the STEM pathway or taking classes in departments of the STEM pathway. Students can use the space to study individually or in groups, use anatomical models, meet with their instructors or meet with Christopher Archuleta for tutoring (see box to the right).
A&P OPEN LAB is like a Study Hall for Anatomy where you can study anatomical models for your A&P class. Miss Jodie is there to assist you if needed. Assistance with Physiology can also be given if the Lab is not too busy.
Generally students who attend A&P Open Lab do better on their lab practicals than those who do not.
Check it out!
Christopher Archuleta
Email: archulcj@matc.edu
Subjects Tutored:
Chemistry: CHEM - 110, 710
Math: MATH - 113, 114, 115, 116, 200, 230, 231
Days & Times:
Wednesday 8AM-12PM, 1PM-3PM
Thursday 9 AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM
Friday 8AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM
Milwaukee, C Building, STEM Educational Center (Room C278)
Click on a link below to go to a YouTube playlist of videos posted by the specific creator. Or go to YouTube, type a concept and creator name in search bar.