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Seed Library at Milwaukee Area Technical College: Seed Inventory

Current Seed Inventory

Place your single Free Online Order for pick up at any MATC Library

As always, our Seed Inventory varies throughout each day, as it is based on free donations, and we have a high volume of orders. 

One single order of five free mini packets per household. Spreading seeds across SE WI.

Or order in person - at the Mequon Campus Library

Note: This webpage is most easily navigated via a laptop or PC, rather than your phone.

-A collaboration between the MATC Landscape Horticulture Program and the MATC Mequon Campus Library.-

Beans & Peas

BE-27 Cascadia Snap Pea

Item Details: Bucketloads of plump pods with tiny, distinctively delicious peas on 3' tall vines. Multiple disease resistances allow for spring and late season plantings.

Instructions: Peas are cool season annuals. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked in the spring. Use of inoculants can increase yield. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit, but will germinate in soils as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Provide support for tall varieties. Pick regularly for increased yields. 

Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1-2”
Spacing in Row: 1"
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 2” 
Spacing Between Rows: 36"
Days to Maturity: 60
Pod Size at Maturity: 3”
Plant Height at Maturity: 36”
Support: Cage, stake, or trellis

BE-51 Christmas Lima Bean

Item Details: Also known as Large Speckled Calico, this variety was first cultivated in the United States around 1840 and produces beautiful, quarter-sized, flat white seeds with maroon spots and swirls. It has rich flavor and can be used as a shell lima or dry. Heavy yields, bears even during extreme heat.

Instructions: Lima beans thrive in hot temperatures. Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Seeds will germinate in 7-18 days. Limas prefer full sun.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-18
Planting Depth: 1”
Spacing in Row: 2"
Spacing Between Rows: 36-48"
Days to Maturity: 75-100
Support: Trellis, tepee, or fencing

BE-55 Golden Sweet Pea

Item Details: Tall 6' plants with beautiful bi-colored purple flowers and bright lemon-yellow pods. Best eaten when small, excellent for stir-fry. Seeds are tan with purple flecks, can be dried and added to soups. 

Instructions: Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.

Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1/2-1”
Direct Seed: 2-3" Apart
Spacing Between Rows: 24"
Days to Maturity: 60-70
Plant Height at Maturity: 6’
Support: Trellis

BE-60 Maxibel Haricot Vert Bean

Item Details: Known for its long, slender, medium green pods with a delicate tender texture. Maxibel will keep you loaded with fresh beans; pick frequently for optimal tenderness and yields. Some plants have runners. Speckled brown seeds.

Instructions: Snap beans are tender annuals that prefer full sun and well-drained soils. Direct sow after danger of frost has passed. Use of inoculants when planting can increase yields but is not necessary. Air flow between plants and rows is helpful in reducing disease pressure. Harvest promptly to increase yields. 

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-10
Planting Depth: 1”
Spacing in Row: 8 seeds/ft
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 2-3”
Spacing Between Rows: 18-36"
Days to Maturity: 65
Plant Height at Maturity: 24”
Pod Length at Maturity: 6-8”

BE-53 Bill Jump’s Soup Pea

Item Details: This vigorous, highly productive, and versatile variety tastes delicious whether eaten dried in soup or fresh right off the vine. Vines grow 5-6' in height and bear ornate, purple-blue flowers, while the straight, green pods average 2.5-3" long and contain 4-5 wrinkled seeds. This late-maturing heirloom pea was donated to Seed Savers Exchange by Dennis Miller, whose great-grandfather, Bill Jump, grew the peas in eastern Washington since at least the 1930s.

Instructions: Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1/2-1”
Spacing in Row: 2-3"
Spacing Between Rows: 24"
Days to Maturity: 80-90
Height at Maturity: 5-6’
Support: Trellis

Cole Crops

COL-41 Belstar Broccoli

Item Details: A versatile broccoli with excellent heat and cold tolerance and uniform, rounded heads. Great choice for spring, summer and fall plantings with excellent vigor. Plants are compact and produce small to medium-sized heads within a 10-14-day harvest window. Plants have been known to survive 20-degree temperatures with proper frost protection and care.

Instructions: Start transplants 4-6 weeks before planting date and plant outside after threat of frost has passed. Generally grown as a transplant, broccoli can be directly sown in the summer for fall crops. After center dome has been cut, smaller side shoots can be harvested for extended production. 

Days to Germination: 5-10
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 3 seeds/ft
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 12”
Spacing Between Rows: 18"
Days to Maturity: 65-70
Plant Height at Maturity: 24”
Domes Span: 6-8”
Weight at Maturity: averages 1.5 lbs

COL-24 Romanesco Cauliflower

Item Details: As beautiful in the garden as on the table, Romanesco produces stunning apple-green whorled heads with a highly refined taste and texture. Dense florets in a fractal form. Widely grown and prized in Italy, it grows exceptionally well in cool northern areas of the country.

Instructions: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Plant out
just before the last frost. This brassica prefers cool temperatures and a regular supply of water. In many regions it can be grown as both a spring and fall crop.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 3-10. Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing: 24"
Days to Maturity: 75-100 from transplant
COL-03 Copenhagen Market Cabbage


Item Details: This Danish historic variety was introduced by H. Hartmann & Company in 1909. Its solid heads rarely burst. Medium-sized plants are ideal for small gardens.


Instructions: Sow seed indoors ¼" deep 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Plant out just before the last frost. Make sure cabbage has a regular supply of water.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-12
Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before last frost
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Spacing between plants: 24-36"
Days to Maturity: 63-100 from transplant
Width at Maturity: 6-8" diameter
Weight at Maturity: 3-4 lbs

COL-23 Cherry Belle Radish

Item Details: Easy to grow. Uniform size. Classic, smooth red bunching radish with attractive crispy white flesh. Uniform roots are much less subject to pithiness than other radishes. Easy and fast to grow, with strong, widely adaptable tops. An All-American Selections (AAS) winner.

Instructions: Radishes can be direct seeded as soon as soil can be worked and are best adapted to the cooler temperatures and shorter day-length of spring and fall. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 65-85°F. Plant every 10 days for a continual supply. Winter radishes should be planted to mature around fall frost date. Harvest radishes on time as they do not hold well in the field, especially in warm weather when roots tend to become pithy and pungent. Topped radishes will keep good quality for 3-4 weeks if stored at near freezing temperatures with high humidity in semi-permeable containers.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 5-7
Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2”
Spacing in Row: 1"
Spacing Between Rows: 8-12"
Days to Maturity: 25
Radish Size at Maturity: .75-1"
Plant Height at Maturity: 8”

COL-39 Spanish Black Round Radish

Item Details: Europeans have savored this easy-to-grow winter radish variety, also known as ‘Noir Gros Rond d’Hiver,’ since the 1500s! Its large, 3"-4" globes boast stunning black skin and crisp, pungent, spicy white flesh—and will also keep all winter in good conditions. Grown in the United States since the 1800s, this radish adds spiciness to raw or cooked dishes; spiciness declines when cooked.

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Plant in full sun. Successive plantings can be made every 3-4 weeks throughout summer and fall to provide a continual harvest.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Planting Depth: 1/2”
Direct Seed: 1" Apart
Spacing Between Rows: 12"
Thin: 2-3” Apart
Days to Maturity: 60-70
Globe Width at Maturity: 3-4"

Cucumbers & Squash

CU-02 Mexican Sour Gherkin Cucumber

Item Details: This Mexican and Central American species bears an abundance of 1" fruits that resemble tiny watermelons. Their initial flavor profile is that of a sweet cucumber, but is followed by a surprising “already pickled” taste, offering an interesting and spirited note. Great for growing on a trellis, this species’ fruits fall from the vines when ripe and are great for pickling with small peppers and garlic. 

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors in 12"-diameter hills after the last frost when soil is warm. Space hills 3' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 2-4 weeks before the last frost for an earlier harvest. This species benefits from consistent moisture. Provide support for vines to save space.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Direct Seed: 1” Deep
Seeds to Hill: 6-8 
Thin: to 3-4 plants
Days to Maturity: 60-70
Plant Size at Maturity: 1-2”
Support: Trellis

CU-21 Silver Slicer Cucumber

Item Details: Bred at Cornell University in New York, this is a great slicer with a creamy-white thin skin and long, straight, uniform 6-8" fruits. This cucumber has a superb juicy, sweet, and mild taste and good crunch, and has been winning tasters over since its introduction.

Instructions: Start indoors 3 weeks before last frost and transplant to indicated spacing after threat of frost has passed. Or, direct sow seeds spaced 4" apart after last frost, then thin to indicated spacing once seedlings put on their first true leaves. Plant in moderately fertile soil and water regularly. Cucumbers can be trellised or allowed to grow on the ground. Harvest when fruits are green and white and the skin begins to smoothen, but before they become shiny and yellow.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 3-7
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 24"
Spacing Between Rows: 36"
Days to Maturity: 60
Length at Maturity: 6-8”
Support: Trellis
CU-12 Ten Commandments Gourd


Item Details: (aka Crown of Thorns) Softball-sized gourds have ten fingers that point towards the blossom end. Select mixture of bright striped, mottled, multicolored decorative gourds. Excellent for fall displays.


Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed in 12" diameter hills. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. In short season areas, grow from transplants started indoors 8 weeks in advance. Gourds grow well on fences or garden trellises.  Gourds require little care and only need to be watered once a week. Harvest when color fully developed and stems are dry, but before hard frost. Cure out of direct sunlight at 80°F for 5-7 days. Wash fruits and dry. Gourds prefer warm weather, and although they are used as decoration during cooler months, they do not like frost. A late spring frost when planted can kill the seedlings unless covered.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Planting Depth: 1” in 12” diameter hills
Spacing: 6’ apart in all directions
Plant: 2 seeds per hill
Days to Maturity: 95
Size at Maturity: Softball sized

CU-50 Baby Pam Pie Pumpkin

Item Details: Commercial standard for pie pumpkins with long handles and dry, bright orange skin. Stringless, sugary flesh cooks down to a smooth, superior pie filling. Slightly smaller and more uniform than New England Pie. Great for painting and carving, too! Reliable harvest

Instructions: Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract 2 weeks if transplanting. Seeds can be direct seeded after the danger of frost has passed and soil temperature has reached 70°F. Tighter spacing will result in yields of smaller, but more numerous fruit. Start transplants indoors 3-4 weeks before the last risk of frost. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 85-95°F. Black plastic mulch and floating row cover can also be used to increase soil and air temperature, as well as ward off cucumber beetles which eat young seedlings and spread disease. Remove row cover when flowers open to allow for insect pollination. 

Pumpkins grow best in fertile, well-drained soil, with pH between 5.8-6.8. Sidedressing is recommended one week after blossoming and again 3 weeks later, especially if there are signs of deficiency. Nitrogen deficiencies cause yellowing, and bronze leaves are a sign of potassium deficiency.

Harvest by cutting stems near the vine or at least 2-3” from fruit. Too many days of sun on fruits after maturity will bleach handles and cause sunscald on the fruit. A short or broken stem can lead to rot. Cure after harvest by keeping in a warm, dry location for a few days then store at 50-55°F with 55-75% relative humidity and good air circulation. 

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-10
Planting Depth: 1/2-1”
Spacing: Hills 6’ apart in all directions
Plant: 2-4 seeds per hill. 18-36” apart
Days to Maturity: 99
Fruit Weight at Maturity: 4-5 lb
Plant Height: 24”

CU-69 Brulee Butternut Winter Squash

Item Details: A prolific and early producer of stout, personal-sized squashes with traditional butternut color. Uniform, squat fruits have a rich and savory flavor profile, with just the right amount of sweetness. Very high yields on vigorous plants.

Instructions: Winter squash are warm season annuals that grow best in fertile, well-drained soil. Start transplants 3-4 weeks before planting date. Direct seed or transplant one week after danger of frost has passed, one row in center of bed. Can also be planted in hills of 3-5 plants in rows 3-5’ apart.


Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1/2-1”
Spacing in Row: 3 seeds/ft
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 18-36”
Spacing Between Rows: 6’
Days to Maturity: 90-95
Plant Height at Maturity: 12-20”

CU-71 Cocozelle Zucchini 

Item Details: Productive, tasty Italian variety with attractively striped fruits. Dark and light green striping is less defined than Costata Romanesco. Flavor is slightly nutty; milder than Costata but more flavorful than most zucchini. Straight fruit with very slight ribbing over the lighter green striping.

Instructions: Start transplants 3-4 weeks before planting date. Direct seed or transplant one week after danger of frost has passed, one row in center of bed. Harvest every other day for best quality and to maintain productivity. 

Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1/2-1”
Spacing in Row: 2-3 seeds/24”
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 24”
Spacing Between Rows: 5’
Days to Maturity: 58
Plant Height at Maturity: 24”

GR-04 Coral Fountain Amaranth


Item Details: A beautiful coral hued love-lies-bleeding type amaranth for the ornamental garden. Some staking required to keep the draping seed heads off the ground. Very easy to grow, also makes a great cut flower. The highly nutritious, tiny seeds of amaranth can be made into a porridge, turned into flour, or popped and used as a garnish or grain.


Patron Comments: “Amaranth was a garden showstopper! The tall plants with long draping red flowers provided a pop of color all summer long. I harvested about a pint of seeds and plan to save some to grow next year, as well as try a recipe to eat them. I didn’t realize until recently that the young leaves could be eaten similarly to spinach. Again, some have already come up as volunteers, and we have enjoyed eating them added to a salad of mixed greens.” From Ann - Thiensville, 2020.


Instructions: Direct sow in the spring after threat of frost has passed in a sunny, well-drained spot. Amaranth tolerates fair fertility and dry conditions, but more fertility and moderate water will yield lush and tall plants. Plant height varies with the amount of fertility in the soil. Taller plants may require a bit of staking to keep them from flopping over.


Sun Preference: Full to partial sun
Days to Germination: 5-10
Days to Maturity: 70
Planting Depth: 1/2"
Spacing in Row: Thin to 6-10"
Spacing Between Rows: 10-12"
Height at Maturity: 48". Varies
Width at Maturity: 12-18"

GR-09 Garnet Red Amaranth

Item Details: Large, beautiful plants with impressive red spires ideal for fresh bouquets. This versatile plant is a delicious microgreen, baby leaf green, and attractive flower that is sure to bring joy to the garden or dinner table. Heat tolerant, the plants can reach towering heights and will grow steadily through the summer weather. Dramatic plumes of deep red flowers are a striking addition to flower arrangements and fresh bouquets. These brilliant plants are a stand out in a garden setting. They’re a great cut annual flower with edible foliage, standing 6-8’ tall, and are open-pollinated.

Instructions: Amaranth are tender annuals that prefer full sun. Bloom time is from mid-summer into fall. Direct seed as soon as the chance of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 70-75°F. Start transplants 2-4 weeks before planting date.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-10
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Seed Spacing: 3”
Spacing in Row: 9”-12”
Spacing Between Rows: 18”
Height at Maturity: 8’
Frost Hardy: N

Lettuce & Greens

GRE-91 Esmee Arugula 

Item Details: Beautiful, fine leaves are incised with rounded oak-leaf shape. A wonderful flavor that is more nutty than spicy sets Esmee apart from other arugulas. Deeply lobed leaves are upright, lofty and the darkest green of all our arugulas. Good for either bunching or bagging. Quick growing and very cold tolerant. From our partners at DeBolster Seeds.

Instructions: Hardy annual. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked. Baby leef: seed 60 seeds/ft in 2-4” bands; ¾” between bands. Full-size: see instructions below. Best grown in early spring and late summer/fall. Will bolt in hot weather. Sow every 3 weeks for a continuous harvest. 

Days to Germination: 5-10
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 10 seeds/ft
Spacing Between Rows: 12"
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 4-6”
Days to Maturity: 21 baby; 40 full-size
Height at Maturity: 18”

GRE-04 Shanghai Green Pak Choi Asian Greens

Item Details: If you love stir-fry—or just tasty vegetables—these easy-to-grow greens are a must! This popular pak choi matures early and has thick, dark-green leaves and light-green petioles shaped like an hourglass. This variety has excellent heat tolerance and adapts well to most areas, provided temperatures stay between 50-80°F. Chefs and home cooks alike tout its tender leaves and excellent flavor. (aka Pac Choy, Bok Choy)

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed to prevent premature flowering. Can also be planted in late summer for a fall crop. Seeds will germinate in 4-7 days. Plant in full sun to partial shade.

Sun Preference: Full sun to partial shade
Ideal Temperature: 50-80°F
Days to Germination: 4-7
Days to Maturity: 45-50 full heads, 35-40 baby choy

GRE-70 Ironman Kale Mix

Item Details: These kale varieties are ideally suited for baby leaf production, maturing at an even rate to offer a unique, textured blend. The perfect bag of greens for the health-minded consumer. A nutrient-dense alternative to salad mix. Tender young greens can be used raw or added to juices, smoothies and stir-fries. Varieties selected to mature at an even rate and provide a variety of colors and textures. May include various Lacinato, Russian, green curly and other kale types. High Mowing Seeds exclusive.

Instructions: Cold hardy. Sow from early spring through late summer.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-10
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 2-4"
Spacing Between Rows: 2-4"
Days to Maturity: 30
Height at Maturity: 3-6”

GRE-21 Lacinato Dinosaur Kale    

Item Details: (aka Nero di Toscana, Tuscan) Improved vigor, yield and hardiness. Italian kale which reportedly dates back to the 18th century. Very dark, blue-green strap-like, blade shaped, heavily savoyed textured leaves, which sweeten with each frost. Best eaten when leaves are small and tender. Ideal for raw kale salads and soups.

Instructions: Plant out just before the last frost. Kale is most tender and delicious after a frost. Harvest can continue even after snow. Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract 2 weeks if transplanting. Direct sow as soon as soil can be worked or start transplants 4 weeks before planting date. Plant baby leaf every 4-5 weeks for a continual harvest. Sow fall plantings two months before first expected frost for full size and up until frost for baby leaf.

Harvest full size leaves when desired. Cool leaves in cold water at harvest and store in plastic in fridge. In late fall, cut the heart of the plant and store just above freezing in a plastic bag for a few weeks.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 3-10
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Spacing in Row: 2-4” for baby. 24" apart in all directions for full size
Days to Maturity: From transplant - 30 for baby. 60 full size
Height at Maturity: 24-36" tall
Leaf Size at Maturity: 3” wide by 10-18” long

GRE-65 Gourmet Blend Lettuce

Item Details: A unique High Mowing Seeds creation you won't find anywhere else. This tasty and attractive mix features a wide variety of lettuces including romaine, lollo, green leaf, red leaf and more. A signature blend with unique shapes and colors that chefs and gourmands will love. Looseleaf: First to maturity, these fast growing lettuces do not form a head.  Good for baby leaf culture. Romaine: Forms a tall dense upright head with a tender heart. It tolerates warm temperatures and is less prone to bolting.

Instructions: Many lettuce diseases are best prevented by maximizing airflow around heads to stimulate rapid drying. Grows best in cooler temperatures. Lettuce can be seeded in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Days to maturity are from direct seeding in spring conditions. Subtract 7-10 days if planting in summer conditions, add 20 days if planting late summer-fall. Many lettuce varieties have difficulty germinating in soils above 75°F.  

Cut lettuce holds best when harvested in the morning and cooled rapidly.  For salad mix or baby leaf production, harvest individual leaves when they reach desired size, or cut evenly across the bed making sure to stay above the growing tip.  A great cut-and-come again crop when harvested above the growing tip. For a continuous harvest, sow lettuce every 3 weeks. Store just above freezing temperatures with 98% humidity. 

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-10
Planting Depth: 1/8”, seeds require a little bit of light for germination
Spacing in Row: 8" babyleaf. 8-12” full size.
Days to Maturity: 28
Height at Maturity: 3”

GRE-32 Joker Lettuce

Item Details: This highly adaptable variety will perform well in all growing seasons and has excellent heat and cold resistance. It forms a tight, savoyed head with bold red and pink splashes of color, and is firm and crisp in texture. Harvest from baby-leaf size until the heads are fully mature, at which point they will have a crunchy, sweet core.

Instructions: Direct sow as soon as soil can be worked. Continue until late Summer. All lettuce appreciates steady water, so provide irrigation during hot and dry periods. Lettuce generally prefers fertile soil and cool to moderate conditions, but adaptable Joker will also perform well in a variety of other growing conditions.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 3-10
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 12"
Spacing Between Rows: 12"
Days to Maturity: 55
Height at Maturity: 8”
Width at Maturity: 8"

GRE-94 Pirat Butterhead Lettuce

Item Details: Tender heads with notably superior flavor and texture, blanched hearts and red-tinged outer leaves. Bested every other variety for taste and texture in our lettuce trials and also rates as one of the best butterheads in combined resistance to downy mildew, white mold, tip burn and bacterial head rot.

Instructions: Grows best in cool temperatures and can bolt during hot weather. Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Baby leef: seed 60 seeds/ft in 2” bands with ¾” between bands. Full size: see instructions below. Sow every three weeks from spring through late summer for a continuous supply. 

Days to Germination: 7-10
Planting Depth: 1/8”
Spacing in Row: 1"
Spacing Between Rows: 12"
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 8-10” 
Days to Maturity: 55
Height at Maturity: 12”

GRE1-101 High Mowing Blend Mesclun

Item Details: Our own HMOS blend of lettuce and mustard greens. The diversity of this mix will give you a great medley of flavor and color. Mustards grow quickly, shading the soil for lettuces, creating a bountiful mix of greens suitable for cut-and-come-again harvest.

Instructions: Grows best in cooler temperatures. Baby leaf: seed 60 seeds/ft in 2” bands with ¾” between bands. A great cut-and-come again crop when harvested above the growing tip. Sow every three weeks from spring through late summer for a continuous supply. 

Days to Germination: 7-10
Planting Depth: 1/8”
Spacing in Row: 60 seeds/ft
Spacing Between Rows: 3-6"
Days to Maturity: 28
Height at Maturity: 3”


NAT-08 Indian Grass

These seeds are sustainably sourced at Mequon Nature Preserve. We thank them for their community partnership in spreading local growing throughout our area. Item Details: Indian Grass is one of the first warm season grasses to form seeds and they are rich clusters of bronze colored seed. Golden stems and large seed heads provide ample color and texture to plantings and birds will enjoy the seeds come fall.  Plants are wind-pollinated. Indian Grass can be aggressive, spreading by rhizomes, so is not suited for very small landscapes. Different species of grasshoppers and caterpillars will feed on the blades of Indian Grass; in turn these insects are important food sources for upland game birds and songbirds, where they will also find ideal nesting habitat in stands of tall, clumping prairie grasses such as Indian Grass.

The bright yellow flowers contrast attractively with the blue-gray foliage. The grass stays low most of the year and then gets tall before blooming in early autumn. Works well on slopes to prevent erosion.
Instructions: For spring sowing, germination can be encouraged and will happen faster, if seeds are dry stratified. Or sow seed directly in fall. Division of older plants is difficult because of a dense, tangled root system. Don’t cut the grass back in first year of growth. If your garden is small, you may want to deadhead during the fall to prevent excess self-seeding.
Dry stratification is a seed pre-treatment in which the seed is subjected to cold temperatures. This simple treatment of keeping the seeds in cold, dry storage helps increase germination rates by imitating a natural winter dormant period. Store the seed in Ziploc bags in a refrigerator. Most warm season prairie grasses and wildflowers require only 30 to 60 days of dry stratification to break seed dormancy.


Sun Preference: Sun to partial shade
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 2-3’
After Germination Occurs: Is drought resistant
Height at Maturity: 4-6’. Maturity reached year two
Bloom Color: Yellow
Bloom Time: Aug , Sep , Oct
Bloom Notes: The awns are red/rust color
High Deer Resistance
Attracts Butterflies

NAT-17 Rosinweed

These seeds are sustainably sourced at Mequon Nature Preserve. We thank them for their community partnership in spreading local growing throughout our area.


Item Details: Perennial. Pollinator. Coarse and sunflower-like. Derives its common name from the resinous gummy sap exuded by broken/cut plant stems. Usually a shorter silphiums. Likes rocky or dry open woods, prairies and glades. It grows on erect, hairy stems sparsely clad with pairs of rough, stalkless, bristly, hairless to woolly, toothed to toothless, medium green leaves. Flowers resemble small sunflowers. Appear in mid-summer. The root system consists of a taproot and short rhizomes, which enable this plant to form clumps. Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates some light shade. Also tolerates some drought once established. Will grow in a variety of soils including sandy, loamy or clay ones. Plants may be slow to establish in the garden, particularly when grown from seed. 


Instructions: Seeds can be direct sown in the Fall, pressing into the surface of the soil since this plant needs light to germinate.. Otherwise best results come from a 30 day cold-moist stratification prior to planting. This is because native wildflowers, have a hard coating that helps protect the outer shell from breaking and sprouting too early.


Cold Stratification: 1) Soak your seeds for 1-2 hours. 2) Use a paper towel or coffee filter to drain the water. 3) Spread seeds out in a single layer on the paper towel. 3) Wrap a dry paper towel around the damp paper towel to help keep things moist but not too wet (which could become moldy). 4) Place in a ziploc bag and seal. 5) Label the variety and date clearly on the bag. 6) Place in the refrigerator for 30 days before planting. If seedlings start to sprout in the bag in the refrigerator, remove immediately and either plant in the ground or in pots until it’s time to plant outdoors. After the seeds have been stratified, plant them into the soil by gently sprinkling them on the surface of soil and pressing them in firmly.  Then, lightly sprinkle soil on top of them so they are partially covered.


It is best to water the area for one to two months after seeding. Seed may revert to dormancy if it does not receive rain or moisture within a certain number of days after planting. After established, prefers drier soil and tolerates drought well. Downy mildew, leaf spots and rust may occur. Plants develop taproots. Once established, division is not recommended.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Planting Depth: Pressed into surface of dirt
Spacing Between Rows: 2-3’
Height at Maturity: 2-6’
Plant Spread: 1-3’
Attracts: Birds, Butterflies

NAT-16 Showy Goldenrod

Item Details: Perennial. Pollinator. Erect, usually unbranched, reddish stems occur singly or in clusters. Small, yellow flowers occur in a compact, erect, pyramidal column. A stout stem, smooth below and rough above, bearing a dense, pyramidal or club-shaped, terminal cluster of small yellow flower heads. Tends to bloom a little later than most Goldenrods. For cut flowers, choose stems with flowers that have just opened. Strip the foliage that will fall below the water level, and place in water immediately.

All Goldenrods are an important fall nectar source for many pollinators including the Monarch butterfly, so it is unfortunate that these fall blooming natives are mistakenly blamed for hayfever. The pollen of Goldenrods is large and sticky which sticks to the bodies of visiting insects. Because of this, goldenrod pollen cannot become airborne and can never make its way into your sinuses. The true cause of hayfever is the wind pollinated ragweeds, which broadcast copious amounts of lightweight pollen into the air.

Instructions: Seeds can be direct sown in the Fall, pressing into the surface of the soil since this plant needs light to germinate.. Otherwise best results come from a 30 day cold-moist stratification prior to planting. This is because native wildflowers, have a hard coating that helps protect the outer shell from breaking and sprouting too early.

Cold Stratification: 1) Soak your seeds for 1-2 hours. 2) Use a paper towel or coffee filter to drain the water. 3) Spread seeds out in a single layer on the paper towel. 3) Wrap a dry paper towel around the damp paper towel to help keep things moist but not too wet (which could become moldy). 4) Place in a ziploc bag and seal. 5) Label the variety and date clearly on the bag. 6) Place in the refrigerator for 60 days before planting. If seedlings start to sprout in the bag in the refrigerator, remove immediately and either plant in the ground or in pots until it’s time to plant outdoors.

After the seeds have been stratified, plant them into the soil by gently sprinkling them on the surface of soil and pressing them in firmly.  Then, lightly sprinkle soil on top of them so they are partially covered. It is best to water the area for one to two months after seeding. Seed may revert to dormancy if it does not receive rain or moisture within a certain number of days after planting. After established, prefers drier soil and tolerates drought well.


Sun Preference: Full to partial sun
Days to Germination: 45-60
Planting Depth: Pressed into surface of dirt
Spacing Between Rows: 2-3’
Height at Maturity: 1-5’

Onions & Leeks

ONI-04 Red Wethersfield Onion

Item Details: (aka Dark Red Beauty) Listed as Large Red in 1834 by Hovey & Co. of Boston. By 1850, the name Wethersfield was in use by such companies as Comstock, Ferre & Co of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Large flattened globes with purple-red skin. Mildly pungent flesh with red concentric circles. Best used for salads and garnishes, not for extended storage. Long-day type.

Instructions: Sow seeds indoors in flats ¼" deep and space 1" in all directions. Transplant outdoors 6" apart as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Keep onions well weeded with shallow cultivation.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Start Indoors: 4-6 weeks before transplanting
Days to Germination: 4-10
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing: 6" apart
Days to Maturity: 100 from transplant


POL-59 Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

Item Details: The morning glory's strong vines grow steadily–but require a framework of support to reach their maximum potential. And at its core is a seed that can adapt to any circumstance, self-sowing readily and thriving even in difficult soils. In fact, morning glories flower most when faced with distress: drought and low-nutrient soils lead to blooms in profusion.

Instructions: Start indoors 4 weeks before last frost to ensure blooms in the summer. Score the tough exterior of the seed and soak for 24 hours, before starting them in pots. Transplant after last frost, when vines are just beginning to search for trellising; take care not to disturb the roots too much. Morning glories will climb on whatever you plant them near; they do well on fencing. Plant them on the north side of the garden to keep them from shading out other garden plants.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-21
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 12"
Spacing Between Rows: 36"
Days to Maturity: 110
Height at Maturity: 96-120”
Width at Maturity: 10"
Support: Trellis

Carrots & Beets

CAR-36 Red Ace Beet

Item Details: Tried-and-true variety with great uniformity and healthy tops! Red Ace excels for both fresh market and industry growers due to its wide adaptability and high yield potential of uniformly sized and shaped beets. Good disease tolerance and fast regrowth result in upright, glossy, bright green tops.

Instructions: Hardy biennial (producing seed in its second year). Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked or throughout the season for continual harvests. Optimal germination temperature is 55-75 degrees Fahrenheit, but will germinate in temperatures as low as 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Thinned seedlings may be used as greens or baby beets. Prefers loamy soils with a pH over 6.0 and cool temps. Harvest at desired size. 


Days to Germination: 5-10
Planting Depth: 1/2”
Spacing in Row: 10 seeds/ft
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 2-3”
Spacing Between Rows: 12-24"
Days to Maturity: 60
Plant Height at Maturity: 8-12”
Root Length at Maturity: 3"
Frost Hardy: Y

CAR-03  Red Cored Chantenay Carrot

Item Details: This popular variety has sweet orange flesh, wide shoulders, and characteristic red-orange core. The 6" roots are great for soups, canning or fresh eating. 70 days.

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost or as soon as soil can be worked. Tamp soil firmly; keep bed moist until emergence. Germination is slow and uneven, so be patient. Using spun polyester row covers may improve germination rates.


Days to Maturity: 70 days
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Spacing in Row: Direct seed 1/2", thin 2"-4" apart
Spacing Between Rows: 16" to 24"
Height at Maturity: Roots to 6"

CAR-35 Starburst Carrot Blend

Item Details: A certified organic carrot blend made with improved variety strains for reliable production. This rainbow of sweet and crunchy roots will delight people of all ages with striking shades of white, yellow, orange and purple. Flavorful, nutritious roots are packed with antioxidants and add vibrant color to market stands.

Instructions: Carrots are hardy biennials that can tolerate light frosts. Best quality arises from raised beds with loosened soils. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked in the spring through mid-summer. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Cut tops for improved storage in refrigerator. 

Days to Germination: 7-20
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 30-40 seeds/ft
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 1”
Spacing Between Rows: 18"
Days to Maturity: 70
Plant Height at Maturity: 10-24”
Root Length at Maturity: 7-9"


COR-16 Doug’s Bicolor SWEET Corn

Item Details: This bicolor sweet corn was grown right in Cedarburg, by a great gardener - Doug. Enjoy!

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water.

Many critters love to munch on corn, including rodents and, most notoriously, raccoons. Avoid growing corn near chicken coops or pest attractants, and be sure to surround your garden with a good critter fence.


Sun Preference: Full sun                
Days to Germination: 4-21
Planting Depth: 1”
Spacing in Block: 12"
Days to Maturity: 88-92
Height at Maturity: 6-8’?
Ear length at Maturity: 7-8”?
Support: Once 5’ or so, in case of high winds, stake, twine

COR-17 Doug’s Poppin’ Good Popcorn

Item Details: This popcorn was grown right in Cedarburg, by a great gardener - Doug. Enjoy this local popcorn!


Popcorn (Z. m. everta) is a type of flint corn with a soft starchy center inside the very hard, slightly translucent kernel. When heated, moisture inside the kernel produces steam that creates enough pressure to explode the kernel inside out, with the starchy center extruded into a cooked, fluffy white mass. Pops most consistently if you freeze the kernels first then throw them directly into a kettle with hot oil.

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained fertile soil with plenty of water. 

Some years corn needs very little attention, but in dry years it will need irrigating. It thrives during the summers when subtropical weather settles in for a couple months. Many critters love to munch on corn, including rodents and, most notoriously, raccoons. Avoid growing corn near chicken coops or pest attractants, and be sure to surround your garden with a good critter fence.

Allow ears to mature and dry on the stalk. When dry, husk and remove kernels from cob. For best popping results, freeze the dry kernels before popping the traditional way, on the stove top.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 4-21
Planting Depth: 1”
Spacing in Row: 4"
Spacing Between Rows: 36-48"
Days to Maturity: 70-80
Height at Maturity: 4-5’?
Support: Stake

COR-05 Stowell’s Evergreen Corn

Item Details: The leading white sweet corn for home and market gardeners, this drought-tolerant historic variety was introduced in mid-1800s, after years of refining, by Nathaniel Newman Stowell. Ears grow beautifully to 8-9" long, 1-2 ears per stalk, and hold well.

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained, fertile soil with plenty of water.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 4-21
Planting Depth: 1”
Direct Seed:  4" Apart
Thin: 8” Apart
Spacing Between Rows: 36-48"
Days to Maturity: 80-100
Length at Maturity: 8-9”

Edible Flowers & Seeds

EDI-43 Tip Top Nasturtium

Item Details: This strain of nasturtium is noteworthy because it holds a multitude of edible flowers above its rounded foliage. The flowers and leaves can also be added to salads to impart a peppery flavor. The flowers within the mix of this half-hardy annual are apricot, gold, mahogany, and scarlet. This 8-10" tall selection is ideal for containers.

Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors one week after last frost. Plants prefer average moist soil. Water during dry spells, but do not fertilize, as this will promote more foliage than flowers.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-12
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 8"
Spacing Between Rows: 12"
Days to Maturity: 75
Height at Maturity: 8-10”
Frost Hardy: N


HE-01 Genovese Basil

Item Details: Basil lovers unanimously recommend Genovese as the best variety for pesto! Hundreds of years ago Genovese villagers collectively selected this basil for the qualities they felt made the best pesto: large thick deep green leaves on sturdy plants. Plants are strong producers of dark green, glossy leaves with a characteristic spoon shape, exceptionally tender texture and distinctive sweet flavor excellent in sauces and cooking. 

Instructions: Direct sow after last frost, or sow seeds indoors 4 weeks before last frost. Sow at monthly intervals until 60 days before first fall frost for quality leaves all season. Grow in ground or containers. Harvest often to prevent flowers from forming. To harvest, cut basil at the stem just above new leaf growth. Basil is very sensitive to the cold; harvest or protect plants if frost is imminent.

Days to Germination: 6-12
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Spacing in Row: 8"-24"
Days to Maturity: 68
Spacing Between Rows: 12"-24"
Height at Maturity: 10"-12"

HE-08 Greensleeves Dill

Item Details: Slow to bolt; ideal for leaf production over a long harvest window. Excellent for market growers and planting in containers. Dark green leaves are aromatic and pleasingly sweet eaten fresh or dried. 

Instructions: Dill is a hardy annual that prefers full sun and well-drained soils that are low in fertility. Dill can be transplanted but prefers direct sowing. Sow as soon as soil warms and throughout summer, every 4-6 weeks for a continuous supply. Harvest for dill weed, flowering heads and seeds. 

Days to Germination: 7-21
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 4"
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 2-4”
Spacing Between Rows: 36"
Days to Maturity: 45
Height at Maturity: 12-36”
Frost Hardy: Y

HE-26 Lemon Balm

Item Details: Perennial. Pollinator. Lemon-scented perennial herb attracts pollinators. Immersing yourself in the healing aroma of Lemon Balm connects you to the goddesses of ancient Greece. The Melissas—a word that meant bees but came to refer to priestesses—grew this sacred plant around the Temple of Artemis in order to attract and care for honey bees and to honor the Greek goddess. The magical and medicinal properties of this aromatic plant are many, including reducing stress and boosting mental acuity. And still today it is planted near hives to benefit honey bees.

Not only is this herb a fantastic pollinator attractor, but the aroma that emanates from the patch is overwhelmingly lemony and smooth, seemingly more lemony than an actual lemon! Lemon balm has been clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress levels in the body as well as to boost the speed of mental performance. While your results may vary, there is no disputing that it makes a lovely tea; its leaves dry easily and quickly in any protected spot.

Instructions: Start seeds by surface sowing a few per cell. Keep moist but not wet. Transplant out when plants are 3-4" high, in a spot they can spread. Harvest leaves for tea, let flower to feed the bees. A perennial that will also self-sow and spread.

Days to Germination: 5-14
Planting Depth: 0”
Spacing in Row: 12"
Spacing Between Rows: 12"
Days to Maturity: 80 from transplant
Height at Maturity: 18”
Width at Maturity: 24"

HE-55 Marjoram

Item Details: Marjoram's flavor is similar to that of oregano, but it is definitely more sweet, and it has stronger, clearer tones of lemon and pine. This culinary herb is at home in cuisines and medicinal traditions around the world. It rings like a bell when sprinkled into a salad with parsley, basil, and other herbs; it's also terrific on top of a pilaf or diced finely and thrown on any main dish just before serving.

Instructions: Start seeds indoors 8 weeks before last frost. Transplant outdoors when plants are 3" high. Marjoram is a Mediterranean herb, it enjoys full sun, well drained soil and moderate water. Keep pruned and do not let it flower to encourage more leaf growth and maintain peak flavor. Does extremely well in containers. Marjoram is a tender perennial usually grown as an annual in colder climates where, alternatively, it can also be overwintered indoors in pots.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-21
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 12"
Spacing Between Rows: 18"
Days to Maturity: 70
Height at Maturity: 10-12”
Width at Maturity: 10"

HE-06 Greek Oregano

Item Details: While oregano evokes images of scrubby herbs on Mediterranean cliffs, in the Northeast, oregano is a champion of the cold, one of the first perennial herbs to emerge from winter dormancy. In fact, it is so tolerant of winter that it rarely dies back entirely and can often be harvested the year 'round, anytime the ground is not covered by snow. Use it as the ancients did, making wreaths in honor of Aphrodite to crown the heads of newly married couples. Or, harvest loads of it in May or early June--before it turns more pungent from flowering--and dry in a warm airy place. With only a couple 3-foot clumps you can easily dry enough for a year's worth of delicious soups and sauces.

Instructions: Surface sow or sow at just under surface 6 weeks before last frost. Slow to emerge and take off. Transplant when plants are 2-3" high. Keep area well cultivated when young. Tolerates rocky, low-fertility soil; grows readily in nearly all situations. Once established, plants spread into big patches. Perennial in zones 4-9. Once established, spring harvests (pre-flowering) taste best.

Sun Preference: Full to little sun
Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 0-1/4”
Spacing in Row: 4"
Spacing Between Rows: 10"
Days to Maturity: 80
Height at Maturity: 18”
Width at Maturity: Keeps spreading as far as you allow it to

HE-40 Italian Flat Leaf Parsley

Item Details: Classic flat leaf variety for use either fresh or dried for seasoning. Stems hold leaves upright for easy bunching. A very nutritious and tasty addition to meat and vegetable dishes, soups and salads. Excellent for freezing, drying and fresh eating. Good for processing or bunching. Open-Pollinated.

Instructions: Sow indoors 8 weeks before last frost, or direct sow from around last frost until 3 months before first fall frost. Be patient: parsley is an incredibly slow germinator but a fast and easy-to-grow plant once up. Parsley prefers full sun but is tolerant of partial shade. Harvest large outer leaves and allow new inner leaves to mature for continual harvest. In temperate climates it is biennial; with the protection of a cold frame or snow cover, it comes back each spring and can be harvested for about a month before it goes to seed.

Sun Preference: Full to partial
Days to Germination: 21
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 12"
Spacing Between Rows: 18"
Days to Maturity: 70

HE-53 Sorrel

Item Details: Brightly flavored, lime-green leaves with sharp, lemony flavor and tender texture. Long 8" leaves are highly flavorful and are often used to accent and enliven dishes with notes of peppery citrus. Can be spring-sown but better in fall for harvest in early spring, when leaves are most tender and mild.

Instructions: Sorrel is a hardy perennial to zone four or grown as an annual in full sun. Direct seed in fall for spring seedlings or early spring as soon as soil can be worked. Transplants can be started 8-10 weeks before planting date but best results are from direct seeding. Seeds require light for germination. 

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 3-14
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 2"
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 8-10”
Spacing Between Rows: 12-18"
Days to Maturity: 45
Plant Height at Maturity: 12”
Leaf Length at Maturity: 8"


MEL-15 Crimson Sweet Watermelon

Item Details: Quality and reliability in a classic oblong melon with juicy sweet flesh. An excellent variety for gardeners and growers alike, with vibrant red, firm, fine-textured flesh and silver and dark green striping. Open-Pollinated.

Instructions: Sandy or light textured soils that warm easily in the spring are desirable. Ripeness is determined by four methods: when the tendril nearest the fruit is dried and brown; when the ground spot has turned from white to yellow; when the blossom end of fruit becomes soft; and the ubiquitous “thump test”— fruit should sound hollow. Cut fruit cleanly from the vine to avoid stem-end rot. Store at 45°F and 85% humidity for up to 3 weeks.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 10-14
Planting Depth: 1/2” in 12” diameter hills
Spacing: 6’ apart in all directions
Plant: 4 seeds/plants per hill
Days to Maturity: 85 + 10-14 if direct seeding
Size at Maturity: 15-25 lbs

MEL-19 Montreal Market Melon

Item Details: Melon lovers can thank a small group of Canadian preservationists for bringing back this incredibly flavorful variety in the 1990s. Its thick, green flesh is highly aromatic and has a sweet, complex taste. For peak flavor, harvest fruits when slightly under-ripe, before the rind turns yellow and the fruit softens. Melons are round to slightly flattened with a heavy, silvery netting and deep ribbing.

Instructions: Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 4-10
Direct Seed: 1” deep
Seeds to Hill: 6-8
Thin: To 3-4 plants
Weight at Maturity: 7-8 lbs
Diameter at Maturity: 8"


OK-04 Clemson Spineless Okra

Item Details: A beautiful plant with plucky pods. Okra is outrageously beautiful. Its hibiscus-like flowers and broad leaves provide a tropical feel to the garden. The edible pods are terrific when harvested young and prepared properly. Many displaced southerners pine for the flavor and silky texture of a well-made okra dish; those who do not know its charms from youth are generally slow to embrace it. But do try. The plants are so beautiful you will not regret growing them.

An All America Selections winner in 1939, that was introduced by Clemson University. Still the most popular open-pollinated variety on the market. Exceptionally uniform, deep green ribbed and spineless pods. Excellent quality. This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States but does not tolerate cold well

Instructions: Cold sensitive. Okra is extremely intolerant of cold. Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost and transplant outdoors after all threat of frost has passed, and soil has warmed. Tolerant of heat and drought, but not of cold. Some gardeners give okra a heat boost by covering it with row cover until it produces flowers. Okra can thrive in moderate soils. Keep watered, but allow to dry out between waterings. Harvest pods while still tender, up to 5-6" in length. Keep well picked for higher yields.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2”
Days to Germination: 7-14
Spacing in Row: 12-24"
Days to Maturity: 55-64
Height at Maturity: 3-4’
Pod Length at Maturity: 3-5”


PEP-23 Maule’s Red Hot Pepper

Item Details: Introduced in 1903 by the William Henry Maule seed company of Philadelphia. Vivid red 10" long cayenne-type peppers are great for hot sauce or dried red pepper flakes. High yielding plants produce well even in northern areas.

Instructions: Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 14 
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing In Rows: 12-24"
Days to Maturity: 80
Length at Maturity: 10”

PEP-19 Ring-O-Fire Cayenne Hot Pepper

Item Details: “And it burns, burns, burns," just like Johnny Cash said.
Ring-O-Fire is an improved cayenne that matures earlier and has a glossy sheen with a fire engine red color. Prolific and dependable plants produce loads of thin-skinned fruits, great for eating fresh, dried or powdered. Heat is more mild than other cayenne varieties, resulting in peppers that are excellent for fresh preparations. SHU 30,000. Open-Pollinated

Instructions: Peppers are long season, heat-loving annuals which require transplanting to reach full maturity in most areas. Start transplants 6-8 weeks before planting date, after the danger of frost. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75-85 degrees. Harvest promptly to encourage higher yields of ripe fruit.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 10-14
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing in Row: 12-18"
Spacing Between Rows: 18-36"
Days to Maturity: 45 green, 60 red
Height at Maturity: 18”
Fruit Length at Maturity: 4"

PEP-31 Shishito Pepper

Item Details: Small, mild Japanese pepper for roasting, pan-frying and grilling. Thin walls blister and char easily when roasted or grilled, taking on rich flavor that is delicious with coarse salt and lemon juice. The occasional fruit will display heat. Typically harvested and used green, but eventually turns orange and red with sweeter flavor.

Instructions: Peppers are long season, heat-loving annuals which require transplanting to reach full maturity in most areas. Start transplants 6-8 weeks before planting date, after the danger of frost. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Harvest promptly to encourage higher yields of ripe fruit. 

Days to Germination: 10-14
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Plant Spacing After Thinning: 12-18”
Spacing Between Rows: 18-36”
Days to Maturity: 60 green, 75 red
Plant Height at Maturity: 24”

PEP-18 Buran Pepper

Item Details: Sweet and productive Polish pepper. Bell fruits with 3 lobes. Sweet even when green, sure to be a favorite. Does well in dry areas.

Instructions: Start seeds indoors. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Start Indoors: 8 weeks before last frost
Days to Germination: 14
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Plant Spacing: 12-24"
Days to Maturity: 90 from transplant
Height at Maturity: 24”
Fruit Size at Maturity: 4"

PEP-07 Pippin's Golden Honey Pepper

Item Details: A highly decorative, dazzling sweet pepper with a past. Seeds have been traded for generations—and, according to author and seed steward extraordinaire William Woys Weaver, sometimes even given in exchange for bee stings. Folk artist Horace Pippin suffered from an injury for which “bee sting therapy” provided relief. Will’s grandfather H. Ralph Weaver provided the bees, and Pippin gave him seeds, many of which are part of Will’s Roughwood Seed C
ollection. Being sweet, this pepper lacks sting. But we are confident that it will still generate plenty of buzz!

This pepper dazzles with purple flowers with pendant fruit. Pods ripen from black (with green interiors) to honey-mustard, and then to golden-orange. Sweet flavor with very thin flesh ideal for stuffing or pickling. A potted plant makes a great edible decoration for summer gatherings.

Instructions: To start indoors, sow 1 seed per cell. Transplant when seedlings have 1 healthy set of true leaves. Or, direct sow in clumps of 2-3 seeds, thinning to the strongest seedling. Harvest fruits when they have obtained full deep yellow color. Bush habit, suitable for smaller spaces or a large container.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 5-14
Planting Depth: 1/2”
Spacing in Row: 24"
Spacing Between Rows: 42"
Days to Maturity: 80
Height at Maturity: 32”
Width at Maturity: 36"
Pod Length: 3-3 ½”

Tomatoes & Eggplant

TOM-37 Amish Paste Tomato

Item Details: Bright red, heart-shaped fruits with meaty, juicy texture. The classic paste tomato - flavorful and juicy enough for slicing, with great meatiness for cooking down. Very few seeds, which can make sauces and pastes bitter. Sweeter flavor than other paste tomatoes. Indeterminate. Heirloom

Instructions: Start tomato seeds inside at least 6 weeks before last frost. Ideal temperature for germination is 85°  (use a heating mat). Once leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Plant seedlings outside late May into fertile garden soil. To prevent blight, keep foliage dry by 1) Pruning tomato plants to allow for good air circulation 2) Water with drip irrigation/soaker hoses.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing Apart: 24"
Days to Maturity: 80
Fruit Size: 8-12 oz
Support: Cage, stake, or trellis

TOM-01 Cherokee Purple Tomato


Item Details: Let this opal, smoky tomato be the breakout star of your garden. Like BBQ and whiskey, this tomato tastes like Tennessee. Its perfect balance of sweet and acid, savory and smoky is like sitting in a rocking chair and listening to the wise words of an old timer. It is the perfect embodiment of an "heirloom tomato". A reddish fruit with stunning dark-colored shoulder-top striations or marbling, the Cherokee Purple also boasts legendary taste and heavy production. It's happily indeterminate and will give you tasty, massive fruit all summer long.


Originally grown by members of the Cherokee nation, it was shared with one Tennessee family who passed the precious seeds from generation to generation for nearly one hundred years. The seeds eventually found their way into the hands of tomato connoisseur and Seed Saver Exchange member Craig LeHoullier, of North Carolina. who in 1991 named it in honor of its origins.


Cherokee Purple is part of Slow Foods US Ark of Taste, a catalog of over 200 delicious foods in danger of extinction. By promoting, sowing, and growing Ark products we help ensure they remain in production and on our plates.


Instructions: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost in a warm spot with ample light (supplemental light usually required). Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Prune tomatoes when they reach about 24" high.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1/2”
Spacing in Row: 24"
Spacing Between Rows: 36"
Days to Maturity: 80 from transplant
Height at Maturity: Up to 5’
Fruit Size at Maturity: 12 oz
Support: Cage or staking is required
TOM-02 Gold Medal Tomato


Item Details: From Ohio tomato collector, Ben Quisenberry, who described it in his 1976 catalog: “The sweetest tomato you ever tasted. The yellow flesh with streaks of red makes them very attractive and a gourmet’s joy when sliced.” Winner of the 2008 SSE Tomato Tasting. Very flavorful. Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season.


Instructions: Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep, six weeks before last frost. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm.


Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 7-14
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing between Plants: 24-36"
Days to Maturity: 75-90
Support: Cage or stake

TOM-03 Green Zebra Tomato

Item Details: Not all the best tomatoes are red. Great garden varieties come in all colors, shades, fades, and bands. Provide it with the support it needs to stand upright and proud, showing off its big clusters of pretty fruit. Green Zebra has a mildly tangy taste, with a firm exterior and tender interior. Indeterminate.

Instructions: Indeterminate. Start indoors 3-8 weeks before last frost, then transplant 1-2 weeks after last frost. Prune to one trunk and no more than 3 main branches for healthy, easily-trellised plants. Fruit are medium-sized and marbled dark and light green. Ripe and ready for harvest when soft to touch; fruit will develop a rich yellow-green undertone. Plants are fairly compact and easy to maintain.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 3-10
Planting Depth: 1/2”
Spacing in Row: 24"
Spacing Between Rows: 42"
Days to Maturity: 76 from transplant
Plant Height at Maturity: 4-6’
Width at Maturity: 18-24"
Support: Cage, stake, or trellis

TOM-42 Roma VF Paste Tomato

Item Details: Productive plum tomato with great disease resistance! Vigorous and strong, producing heavy yields of picture-perfect, thick-walled fruits with deep red color and mild flavor. Regular-leaf plants that produce plum-shaped, bright red, paste-type tomatoes. The fruits have a high solids to juice ratio making them ideal for paste, sauces or puree. 

Instructions: Do not overwater! Keeping the soil soggy will smother and kill the roots and can cause stem fungus—especially when it is really hot! Start tomato seeds inside at least 6 weeks before last frost. Ideal temperature for germination is 85°  (use a heating mat). Once leaves appear, grow plants at 72°. Plant seedlings outside late May into fertile garden soil. To prevent blight, keep foliage dry by 1) Pruning tomato plants to allow for good air circulation 2) Water with drip irrigation/soaker hoses.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Days to Germination: 5-10 in warm conditions
Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2”
Spacing in Row: 24-36"
Days to Maturity: 60-90
Fruit Size at Maturity: 3-6 oz
Support: Cage, stake, or trellis

TOM-39 Toma Verde Tomatillo

Item Details: Early variety with tart flavor when young, becoming sweeter as it ripens. Medium to large size fruits are ready to harvest when husks split and fruit color changes from a yellow green to medium green. Perfect for Salsa Verde or as a special addition to any Mexican dish.

Instructions: Tomatoes yield best in clay or loam soils that are well drained and high in organic matter. Start seeds 6-8 weeks before planting date. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75-85°F; seeds in colder situations will germinate very slowly. Do not start too early; transplants will suffer if allowed to become root bound and leggy. Harden off transplants by reducing water. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost has passed.

Sun Preference: Full sun
Planting Depth: 1/8-1/4”
Spacing around Plant: 24-36"
Days to Maturity: 60 from transplant


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