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Nursing: Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)

This guide contains resources for those interested in the field of Nursing.

Nursing @ MATC

OER (Open Educational Resources)

Test Prep: Health Pre-Admission Tests Guide

Nursing students with a tablet

See the Test Prep: Health Pre-Admission Tests guide to help prepare for the entrance exams for MATC's Nursing and Allied Health programs.

NCLEX resources

Learning Express provides multiple ebooks and practice tests for:

  • Entrance into the nursing programs
  • NCLEX PN for licensing when you complete your program
  • NCLEX RN for licensing when you complete your program


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Find Articles in these Selected databases

Gale Interactive Human Anatomy database

Explore 3D models to better visualize and understand human anatomy.

Here is a link to the database.  

Please note that Interactive: Human Anatomy does not work with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Please use Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

Human Anatomy Tutorials & Help

Allied Health Video Collection (Films on Demand)

Interesting books for Nursing students

Electronic books

Recommended websites

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