Download these apps from your app store or Google Play.
MyFitnessPalFree online calorie counter and diet plan. Lose weight by tracking your caloric intake quickly and easily. Find nutrition facts for over 2000000 foods.
FooducateScan nutrition labels for a quick assessment of how healthy something really is. Learn nutrition basics and get recommendations for healthy alternatives! Also track your calories, macros, and workouts, and get motivation from a supportive community.
EWG's Healthy LivingEWG’s Food Scores is an easy-to-navigate database created to help consumers make healthier, greener food choices. The ratings are based on nutrition, ingredient concerns and processing.
Lose it!This app is a digital health and fitness platform that is centered on the proven principles of calorie tracking and community support for healthy, sustainable weight loss. Members track their daily food intake and fitness activity, and can create goals, start or join community activities and competitive challenges, connect activity trackers, access coaches, and more.
FODMAP Diet appWith the largest FODMAP food database available, the Monash FODMAP App
has helped millions of people manage their irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Program Textbooks
Community nutrition in action : an entrepreneurial approach by Marie A. BoyleCOMMUNITY NUTRITION IN ACTION introduces the program planning, policies, resources, and nutrition issues specific to community nutrition and provides an understanding of creating and implementing nutrition programs from various constituencies (elderly populations, children, impoverished populations, college students, etc.). Successful practitioners in community nutrition have proven to have a mind and skill set that opens them up to new ideas and ventures. Incorporating an entrepreneurial approach, this book helps readers learn how to take risks, try new technologies, and use fresh approaches to improving the public's nutrition and health status. The book also delivers the core material important to those who will be active in solving community nutritional and health problems, including program delivery, nutrition education, nutrition assessment, and planning nutrition interventions.
ISBN: 9781305637993
Publication Date: 2016
Exploring Medical Language by Myrna LaFleur Brooks; Danielle LaFleur Brooks; Dale M. LevinskyMaster medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language, 11th Edition provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms are divided into two categories: 1) Words built from word parts, and 2) Words NOT built from word parts. Fun and engaging exercises help you first learn word parts and then learn how to combine the parts into full medical terms that make sense. The text also comes packaged with paper flashcards. For more practice, you can visit an Evolve website with games, activities, flashcards and practice exams. From well-known educators Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Myrna LaFleur Brooks, and Dale Levinsky, this learning package helps you gain fluency in medical language and communicate clearly in the health care setting. Comprehensive coverage of medical terminology creates a distinction between terms built from word parts, which are usually based on Greek or Latin, and those terms NOT built from word parts, which are based on eponyms, acronyms, or terms from modern language. Systematic presentation provides a foundation of word parts (prefix, suffix, word root, and combining vowel), then builds words by combining the parts. Case studies ask students to interpret medical terms used in medical records and to translate everyday language into medical language. Full-color illustrations encourage students to apply the meaning of word parts by labeling anatomical figures. Abbreviations tables introduce abbreviated medical terms related to chapter content, and are supplemented with exercises, flashcards, and practice quizzes. Reviews of word parts and terms provide students the practice they absolutely need to define, pronounce, and spell medical terminology. More than 400 flashcards enable students to review word parts whenever and wherever they want. Interactive exercises and games on the Evolve website provide endless opportunities to practice building, hearing, and spelling terms. Medical Terminology Online (MTO) provides accessible, interactive exercises and supplementary content in a course companion to help students master the medical terminology presented in the text. With Elsevier Adaptive Learning accessible within the modules, MTO allows students to learn faster by delivering content precisely when it's needed, and it constantly tracks student performance! Available separately. NEW! Organization of word part tables in each chapter allows the instructor to teach body systems in any order. NEW! Clinical note-taking exercises teach students how to convert common symptoms into correct medical terminology.
ISBN: 0323711561
Publication Date: 2021
Food science : an ecological approach by Sari EdelsteinFood Science: An Ecological Approach presents the field of food science--the study of the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food, and the concepts underlying food processing--in a fresh, approachable manner that places it in the context of the world in which we live today. Specifically, the text marries food science with present concerns regarding food quality, composition, and availability, emphasizing the "ecological approach." Section I of Food Science: An Ecological Approach presents the introductory concepts students studying food science are required to learn. These foundational chapters provide students with the background to understand the relationship between food science and the environment, research methods used by food scientists, and the underlying science and chemistry behind food composition. Section II provides a focused discussion of the types of food and the science behind each. Using a consistent presentation, each chapter discusses each food's historical, cultural, and ecological significance; its physical and chemical properties; preparation techniques and food safety concerns; and its impact on health. New & Key Features of the Second Edition: - NEW - New case studies have been added to the end of each chapter encouraging students to apply the concepts of each case to a problem in food science - NEW & UPDATED - Ecological concerns throughout the text have been updated, and other new ecological concerns have been added, to keep students up-to-date on matters pertinent to food science ecology -NEW - Includes a new Chapter 5 on food safety -NEW - The Food Science Workbook and Lab Manual is included in the Navigate 2 platform, free with every new print copy of the print text, and includes practical exercises based on key concepts from the text
ISBN: 9781284122305
Publication Date: 2018
Foodservice Organizations by Mary GregoireFor all dietetic and foodservice management courses covering topics such as procurement, financial management, quantity food production, human resource management, and leadership. Harnesses a unique systems model to explain and understand foodservice management Applicable to a wide range of courses, including food production, management, leadership, and human resource management, this Ninth Edition of Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach continues to use its unique system model as a guiding framework for understanding foodservice management. Originally developed by Dr. Allene Vaden, the foodservice systems model remains innovative and has withstood the test of time. With its detailed discussion concerning how to transform human, material, facility, and operational inputs into outputs of meals, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and financial accountability, the basic principles of the text are applicable to a wide variety of programs. Within the text, theory and empirical research are seamlessly blended with practice and practical applications. The Ninth Edition includes updated and revised information on sustainable practices, process improvement, strategic management, leadership development, food safety, and current trends.
ISBN: 9780134038940
Publication Date: 2016
Mader's Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology by Susannah Nelson LongenbakerMader’s Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology is tailored to appeal to a wide audience, from students in pre-nursing and allied health fields, to nonscience majors who want a clear and concise explanation of how their bodies work. Mader’s Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology has been tailored for a one-semester course since its inception and it remains ideal for its target audience. Carefully constructed Learning Outcomes at the start of each section are crafted to be accessible to students without prior anatomy and physiology training. This text introduces the fascinating workings of the human body in a creative, informative, engaging way, and, most importantly, relevant to today’s students. Each chapter commences with an infographic that details captivating facts about the subject, designed to capture attention, spark curiosity, and encourage readers to delve deeper. With stunning, vibrant artwork and a focus on clinical applications, this text breathes life into the study of anatomy and physiology for students.
ISBN: 9781260565997
Publication Date: 2020
Nutrition Now by Judith E. BrownReach your diet and nutritional goals with NUTRITION NOW, ENHANCED 8th Edition! Understanding the basic principles of nutrition and its impacts on your health can lead to better choices and more successful diet planning now and throughout your lifetime. Chapters cover nutrition basics such as diet planning, the macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, exercise, pregnancy and lactation, global issues and much more. NUTRITION NOW, ENHANCED, organizes content into easy-to-read, manageable units that help you focus on the concepts while applying what you have learned to your own life.
ISBN: 9780357021651
Publication Date: 2019-01-04
ServSafe Coursebook by National Restaurant National Restaurant AssociatioTHE definitive book for food safety training and certification With its comprehensive coverage of key food safety concepts, the ServSafe#65533; Coursebook 7th edition will completely prepare readers for the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Exam, and, more importantly, it will promote adherence to food safety practices in the workplace. It is the ideal solution for the academic setting, multiple-day training, or individuals in need of more extensive food safety training. Food safety has never been more important to the restaurant industry and its customers. Based on the 2013 FDA Food Code, the ServSafe Coursebook focuses on the preventative measures to keep food safe. The content in the ServSafe Coursebook goes beyond the principles found in the ServSafe Manager Book and adds greater depth and breadth of food safety practices by featuring expanded sections on food defense, high-risk populations, active managerial control, and crisis management. Food safety topics are presented in a user-friendly, practical way with real-world case studies and stories to help readers understand the day-to-day importance of food safety. ServSafe Coursebook is perfect for a 16 week college semester. Developed by the industry, for the industry, ServSafe#65533; is a proven way to minimize risk and maximize protection for foodservice owners, employees, and customers. Recognized as the industry standard, ServSafe offers a complete suite of printed and online products and is the most important ingredient to food safety training and certification success.
Policy & Procedure Manual: food and nutrition service in healthcare facilities by Becky Dorner (Editor); Liz Friedrich (Editor)Excellent for post-acute care settings or hospitals. A great time saver, includes step by step guidelines to ensure that regulatory, nutritional and dietary needs are met for optimal health of the individuals in your care. Includes policies and procedures for the food and nutrition services department covering regulatory compliance, the U.S. Food Code, food safety/sanitation, menus, emergency/disaster planning, infection control, food production, nutrition care, clinical documentation, quality assurance performance improvement (QAPI), and more!Customizable Bonus Electronic Materials:Policies and procedures in MS WordSample job descriptionsSample Competency checklistsMore than 80 sample forms, plus charts, tables, and resource pagesNew Revisions:All chapters have been revised. Major revisions include updates on the new 2022 Food Code; revisions from recent changes to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Appendix PP State Operations Manual for Nursing Homes, and updates to the CMS MDS 3.0; additional information on the CMS patient driven payment model; more in depth information on the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI), as well as edits and updates throughout the entire manual. This best-selling manual covers a wide range of topics.
ISBN: 9781940749020
Publication Date: 2023
Health Professional's Guide to Dietary Supplements by Taylor Wallace; Johanna T. Dwyer (Foreword by); Joseph Betz (Introduction by)Written and reviewed by practitioners, researchers, and educators, this desktop reference presents current knowledge on over 100 popular dietary supplements in a ready-to-use format. Each supplement covered addresses information on recommended or suggested intakes, effects of excessive intakes, sources and bioavailability, supplement interactions, and current knowledge on how the supplement may affect health promotion and disease prevention. A comprehensive introduction to the book covers what practitioners need to know about dietary supplements, labeling and claims, quality and safety, how to assess evidence and efficacy, online resources for reporting adverse events or complaints, and objective sources of additional information. Health professionals providing counsel on dietary supplement use will find this to be an indispensable resource.
ISBN: 9780880912044
Publication Date: 2024-01-31
Effective Leadership & Management in Nutrition and Dietetics by Julie Grim; Susan Roberts"Written and reviewed by experienced dietetics leaders from a variety of practice settings, this resource provides comprehensive coverage of topics vital to the development of leadership and management skills. Applicable to students, interns, practitioners, and both new and experienced managers, the books 14 chapters provide theoretical and practical guidance on foundational and advanced leadership skills; leadership and management in clinical nutrition, foodservice, research, and public health settings; embracing diversity and inclusive leadership in dietetics; staff development, strategic planning, budgeting, and regulatory issues; and working with human resources, informatics, and quality improvement teams, and more! Stories From the Field are woven throughout the book to illustrate conceptual information with real-life examples. Key principles and moments of sage advice are shared through the lenses of those with substantial experience and will offer new perspectives to inspire both current and potential leaders. The impact of the pandemic and resulting challenges in delivering food and nutrition services in dramatically changed environments makes the need for effective leaders in nutrition and dietetics even more essential moving into the future"--
ISBN: 9780880912020
Publication Date: 2021
Management Practice in Dietetics by Nancy R. Hudson; Patricia BoothA book that moves well beyond the view of dietetics management as primarily in foodservice, Management Practice in Dietetics deals with management in all areas of dietetics, and provides clear, relevant examples of management principles and the ways they can be applied. This book is unique in its approach to include examples for foodservices, clinical nutrition, and community nutrition management. The book demonstrates how leadership in dietetics and nutrition fits into the management structure of organizations. Students will become familiar with management tools such as decision-making, communication, and marketing. They will develop knowledge and skills related to human resources management, and acquire basic skills in finance. The book directly addresses management and customer service competencies that are required for accreditation of academic programs in dietetics and are included in the credentialing examination for registered dietitian nutritionists. Specific topics include developing and motivating employees, employee discipline, material management, workflow and production, budgeting, information management, and sustainability. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter provide focus and direction for students. Margin definitions and a glossary introduce specialized vocabulary and increase comprehension. End of chapter activities aid retention and give students the opportunity for self-testing and application of the material. Written in an accessible style, Management Practice in Dietetics is designed for accredited dietetics programs.
ISBN: 9781516510849
Publication Date: 2017
Abridged Nutrition Care Process Reference Terminology (NCPT) Manual by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Prepared for Publication by)The Abridged Nutrition Care Process Terminology (NCPT) Reference Manual includes select terminology to implement all four steps of the Nutrition Care Process, as well as practice tools including snapshots, a nutrition assessment matrix, and a nutrition diagnosis matrix. The complete, unabridged reference manual is available via the electronic Nutrition Care Process Terminology (eNCPT), an online subscription product ( that has reached approximately 1,500 terms. Subscribers to the eNCPT can also access the Nutrition Care Process chapter that provides detailed information on each step of the NCP and the "Ask a Question" feature.
ISBN: 9780880919692
Publication Date: 2017
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food and Nutrition Guide by Roberta Larson DuyffThe newest edition of the most trusted nutrition bible. Since its first, highly successful edition in 1996,The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food and Nutrition Guide has continually served as the gold-standard resource for advice on healthy eating and active living at every age and stage of life. At once accessible and authoritative, the guide effectively balances a practical focus with the latest scientific information, serving the needs of consumers and health professionals alike. Opting for flexibility over rigid dos and don'ts, it allows readers to personalize their own paths to healthier living through simple strategies. This newly updated Fifth Edition addresses the most current dietary guidelines, consumer concerns, public health needs, and marketplace and lifestyle trends in sections covering Choices for Wellness; Food from Farm to Fork; Know Your Nutrients; Food for Every Age and Stage of Life; and Smart Eating to Prevent and Manage Health Issues.
ISBN: 9780544520585
Publication Date: 2017
Choose Your Foods: Food Lists for Diabetes by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Diabetes AssociationFor nearly 70 years, this resource has been the standard for diabetes education and meal planning. Based on input from current users, this new edition has been streamlined and redesigned and enhanced with more food images. It also features updated carbohydrate, protein, and fat information for a wide variety of food and beverages that reflect the diverse populations living with diabetes. This edition includes action-oriented eating plan tips throughout, a new section on Snacks and Extras, dedicated pages for notes, and a customizable eating plan.
ISBN: 9781580407380
Publication Date: 2020
Choose Your Foods: Food Lists for Weight Management by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Diabetes AssociationBased on input from current users, this new edition has been streamlined and redesigned and enhanced with more food images. It also features updated carbohydrate, protein, and fat information for a wide variety of food and beverages that reflect the diverse populations trying to lose weight. This edition includes a new section on goal setting, action-oriented eating plan tips throughout, dedicated pages for notes, and a customizable eating plan.
ISBN: 1580407390
Publication Date: 2019
Expect the Best: your guide to healthy eating before, during and after pregnancy by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Staff; Elizabeth M. WardCompletely updated and revised with the latest guidelines for nutrition and lifestyle before, during, and after pregnancy. Expect the Best is a comprehensive guide for new and future parents that answers the most frequently asked questions about nutrition and lifestyle habits from preconception to post-delivery. This second edition translates the latest research and expert recommendations about how to have the healthiest baby possible into clear and concise advice without preaching, and includes a wide range of topics, such as: the healthiest lifestyle for fertility (including for dads-to-be!); calories and weight gain throughout pregnancy and after delivery; important vitamins and minerals and how to include them in your eating plan; what, and how much, exercise is best before, during, and after pregnancy; keeping food safe, and foods to avoid during pregnancy; how to manage morning sickness, gestational diabetes, and more; and what to eat when breastfeeding This book provides easy-to-follow sample meal plans, and an expanded recipe chapter features more than 60 simple, nutritious recipes, including vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free options. This complete resource supplies what you need to make the best choices throughout your entire pregnancy journey!
ISBN: 9781681626246
Publication Date: 2017-03-28
Food and fitness after 50 : eat well, move well, be well by Christine RosenbloomIt is never too late to eat right and exercise the smart way! Food and fitness experts Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN, FAND, and Bob Murray, PhD, FACSM, share their personal experiences and offer a common-sense approach to help you learn what it takes to control your food choices and fitness strategies as you navigate your 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. This book translates the latest science on aging, nutrition, and exercise into simple actionable steps. Inside you will find: real life stories from adults over 50 and how they overcame challenges; self-assessments to help you pinpoint where you can improve your food and fitness decisions; practical advice that clarifies the latest science and clears up confusion; conversations with nutrition and fitness experts from around the globe; and successful tips that the authors use every day to eat healthy and stay active. Set a personalized road map for getting healthy and staying healthy well past your 50s. Embrace aging, accept the challenges, and gain the confidence to Eat Well, Move Well, and Be Well!
ISBN: 9780880919562
Publication Date: 2018
Inspiring and Supporting Behavior Change by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Prepared for Publication by); Ann Constance; Cecilia SauterDo your patients resist behavior change? Do you need tips and tools to help empower your patients on the road to better health? This guide will help you move your patients toward change. Topics include the transtheoretical model and stages of change; the chronic care model; motivational interviewing; goal setting; building long-term support for patients; helping patients find resources beyond nutrition counseling; health literacy; cultural diversity; and addressing biases in health care.
ISBN: 9780880919821
Publication Date: 2016
Krause and Mahan's Food and the Nutrition Care Process by L. Kathleen Mahan; Janice L. Raymond; Kelly MorrowA trusted classic for over 50 years, Krause and Mahan's Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 15th Edition presents the most up-to-date dietetics content available in this ever-changing field to ensure you provide optimal nutritional care. It offers cutting-edge, comprehensive coverage of a full range of dietetics topics, all in one book. You'll benefit from in-depth information from clinical specialists that provides practical and evidence-based recommendations related to nutrition assessment and intervention, nutritional needs of individuals in different stages of the life cycle, nutrition for health and fitness, and medical nutrition therapy. UNIQUE! Pathophysiology algorithms present the cause, pathophysiology, and medical nutrition management for a variety of disorders and conditions to help you provide optimal nutritional care. UPDATED! Inflammation and the Pathophysiology of Chronic Disease chapter offers vital information to help you understand how diet and nutrition affect the body and contribute to disease processes. UPDATED! Part III: Nutrition in the Life Cycle section of chapters explains the newest nutrition guidelines from pregnancy through adult years to increase your understanding of the nutritional needs of patients at every age. Clinical case studies help you translate academic knowledge into practical patient care using the nutrition care process. Nutrition Diagnosis boxes present a problem, its etiology, and its signs and symptoms before concluding with a sample nutrition diagnosis, providing you with real-life scenarios you may encounter in practice. Clinical Insight boxes expand on clinical information, highlight new areas of focus, and contain clinical resources for your studies. NEW! Food-Nutrient Delivery: Planning the Diet with Cultural Competency chapter provides international nutrition guidelines and resources to assist you with multicultural meal planning. NEW! Clinical: Nutritional Genomics chapter features an author from the NIH's Human Genome Project and introduces you to the latest research about CRISPR and epigenetics. NEW! MNT for Neurologic Disorders chapter features two new authors, including a speech therapist, and displays IDDSI guidelines and an appendix for dysphagia diets to help you carefully and consistently address the nutritional needs of these patients. NEW! Clinical: Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance and Clinical: Biochemical, Physical, and Functional Assessment chapters are updated with the most relevant and evidence-based complementary and integrative approaches to expand your expertise in these clinical nutritional areas. NEW! MNT for Adverse Reactions to Food: Food Allergies and Intolerance chapter features completely revised guidelines and a new pathophysiology algorithm to ensure you are confident in your knowledge of how to prevent emergencies and what to do when emergencies do happen. NEW! Coverage of intermittent fasting, health at every size, and health disparities focuses on the latest nutrition trends to ensure you are well-versed in these topics. NEW! The Mediterranean Diet, Choline, and Biotin appendices display at-a-glance information to help you find quickly supplemental information. NEW! Directions boxes and Focus On boxes, as well as useful websites, resources, and key terms at the end of each chapter, help you find information quickly and easily.
ISBN: 9780323636551
Publication Date: 2020
Krause's Food and the Nutrition Care Process by L. Kathleen Mahan; Janice L. RaymondA trusted classic for over 50 years, Krause''s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 14th Edition presents the most cutting-edge and up-to-date dietetics content available in this ever-changing field. Nicknamed the "nutrition bible", students and practitioners alike turn to its current, comprehensive content, engaging pedagogy and design, and logical presentation of information. This new edition includes the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, more visuals, and highlighted Clinical Case Studies, Clinical Insights, and Clinical Applications boxes that help translate scientific knowledge into practical patient care.
ISBN: 9780323340755
Publication Date: 2016
Launching your career in nutrition and dietetics : how to thrive in the classroom, the internship, and your first job! by Catherine Cioffi (As told to); Kyle Shadix; Milton StokesThinking about a career in food and nutrition or making a career change? Already in a nutrition program or internship and wondering what is next? This practical guide will walk you through all aspects of becoming a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), from school to internship to taking the registration exam and landing your first job. Perfect for prospective RDNs, including students, interns, and recent graduates, you will learn: About the myriad career options for RDNs. How to navigate your coursework and internship applications. Tips for studying for and passing the registration exam. Strategies for landing your first job. Advice and inspiration from successful dietitians.
Pocket Supermarket Guide, 4th Ed. by Mary Abbott HessIn this updated fourth edition, the author guides readers through the supermarket and offers advice about how to make grocery shopping a faster, healthier and more budget-friendly experience. Current consumer shopping trends like organic and functional foods are explained, along with an overview of how to read food labels. Lists of foods to ""look for"" and ""go easy on"" from every aisle and section of the market round out this information-packed resource.
ISBN: 9780880914710
Publication Date: 2013
Total Body Diet for Dummies by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Staff; Consumer Dummies Staff; Victoria Shanta RetelnyDevelop your own personal weight loss plan based on sound expert advice Total Body Diet for Dummies is your expert-led guide to losing weight -- and keeping it off -- the healthy way. It's easy to fall into the trap of fad diets with their promises of fast results and little effort, but fad diets are often ineffective at best, or downright dangerous at worst. This book gives you the benefit of expertise instead, putting Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics guidelines right at your fingertips. You'll learn why physical activity, calorie counting, and psychological support are the cornerstones of successful and lasting weight loss, and why you should track your food intake, exercise, and sleep. You'll learn all about the various tools that can help you reach your goals, including mindful eating, wearable technology and mobile apps, and how to choose the right ones for you. Written by a registered dietitian nutritionist, these easy-to-follow and simple-to-apply tips will help you develop a customized weight loss plan without upending your day-to-day life or breaking your budget. Conflicting guidance and questionable sources can make it that much harder to lose weight successfully without the help of a knowledgeable professional. This book cuts through the noise to bring you real guidance based on real research, with true expert advice to help you: Lose weight for good in a mindful way Become lean, strong, and healthy Stay on track with wearable tech Feel better and get energized Losing weight is not about 'magical' foods or self-deprivation. It's about your overall pattern of food intake, and most foods can fit into a healthy pattern in moderation. You just need to learn how to do it mindfully. Total Body Diet for Dummies is the supportive, informative guide you need to get right on track to a healthier you.
ISBN: 9781119110583
Publication Date: 2016
Eat Q : unlock the weight loss power of emotional intelligence by Susan Albers; Sara Gottfried (Foreword by)If you've ever asked yourself, "Why do I know how to eat healthier to lose weight but don't do it?" this is the perfect book for you. Susan Albers, Psy.D., a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic Family Health Center, has discovered that the key to successful weight loss is not physical exercise, calorie counting, or even willpower--it's emotional intelligence (EI). EI includes the noncognitive aspects of intelligence, such as optimism, impulse control, empathy, and the ability to manage stress, which are predictors of future success--including the ability to lose weight and to keep it off long-term. (In contrast, lacking these skills can ignite nutritional neuroses, food phobias, and disordered eating that can cause cravings, binges, and weight gain.) EI skills have traditionally been used to help people navigate their relationships with other people, but Dr. Albers has learned how to use them to help people strengthen their relationship with food. Even the smartest people can struggle with their emotional intelligence, which can keep us locked in a vicious cycle of dieting failure. In Eat.Q., Dr. Albers uniquely and innovatively applies both self-help and business wisdom to weight loss for optimum success. You learn what your personal style is as it relates to your Eat.Q., and Albers helps you identify exactly what issues you have with eating. She discusses all different kinds of eating styles and explains each of the strategies, allowing you to customize her program to suit your total Eat.Q. profile--including your personal schedule, understanding what you eat and why, and how cravings, environment, and mood affect your relationship with food. She gives you specifics, teaching you how to refine your needs and desires to achieve better results. Increase your Eat.Q. to eat better, drop excess pounds, and settle at a healthy weight for the long-term. It's a revolutionary new way of eating better and feeling great about your body that will release you from the craziness of yo-yo dieting once and for all.
ISBN: 9780062222770
Publication Date: 2014
Policy & Procedure Manual: food and nutrition service in healthcare facilities by Becky Dorner (Editor); Liz Friedrich (Editor)Excellent for post-acute care settings or hospitals. A great time saver, includes step by step guidelines to ensure that regulatory, nutritional and dietary needs are met for optimal health of the individuals in your care. Includes policies and procedures for the food and nutrition services department covering regulatory compliance, the U.S. Food Code, food safety/sanitation, menus, emergency/disaster planning, infection control, food production, nutrition care, clinical documentation, quality assurance performance improvement (QAPI), and more!Customizable Bonus Electronic Materials:Policies and procedures in MS WordSample job descriptionsSample Competency checklistsMore than 80 sample forms, plus charts, tables, and resource pagesNew Revisions:All chapters have been revised. Major revisions include updates on the new 2022 Food Code; revisions from recent changes to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Appendix PP State Operations Manual for Nursing Homes, and updates to the CMS MDS 3.0; additional information on the CMS patient driven payment model; more in depth information on the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI), as well as edits and updates throughout the entire manual. This best-selling manual covers a wide range of topics.
ISBN: 9781940749020
Publication Date: 2023
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food and Nutrition Guide by Roberta Larson DuyffThe newest edition of the most trusted nutrition bible. Since its first, highly successful edition in 1996,The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Complete Food and Nutrition Guide has continually served as the gold-standard resource for advice on healthy eating and active living at every age and stage of life. At once accessible and authoritative, the guide effectively balances a practical focus with the latest scientific information, serving the needs of consumers and health professionals alike. Opting for flexibility over rigid dos and don'ts, it allows readers to personalize their own paths to healthier living through simple strategies. This newly updated Fifth Edition addresses the most current dietary guidelines, consumer concerns, public health needs, and marketplace and lifestyle trends in sections covering Choices for Wellness; Food from Farm to Fork; Know Your Nutrients; Food for Every Age and Stage of Life; and Smart Eating to Prevent and Manage Health Issues.
ISBN: 9780544520585
Publication Date: 2017
AtoZ Food AmericaThis link opens in a new windowAtoZ Food America is a database unlike any other on the market today. From regional cookbooks to an exploration of immigrant culinary influences, from fun collections of historic cookbooks and television commercials to “how to” food preparation videos, AtoZ Food America has something sure to educate and entertain everyone.
keywords: cuisine, recipe, food, cooking, chef, recipes, culinary, American cuisine, cookbook
AtoZ World FoodThis link opens in a new windowWith thousands of global recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources, AtoZ World Food brings international cuisines to you, from Albanian byrek to Zimbabwean matemba!
keywords: cuisine, recipe, food, cooking, culinary, chef, cookbook
Journals in Print
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The current year of Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine is available to Members Only, but you can view the digital version of past issues by clicking the archives link below: