Mosby's Dental Drug ReferenceNo dental office should be without this quick-reference drug guide! Mosby's Dental Drug Reference, 12th Edition profiles the most commonly used drugs in dentistry, with emphasis on dental-specific considerations. More than 800 drug monographs make it easy to find information such as dosages, indications, contraindications, interactions, precautions, side effects, and serious reactions. Online resources include over 100 additional drug monographs, photos of common oral complications, patient education guides, and more. From lead editor Arthur Jeske, a well-known researcher and author in dental pharmacology, this pocket-sized reference provides the current, concise drug information you need at the point of care. More than 800 drug monographs include each drug's generic name, pronunciation, brand names, drug class, controlled substances schedule, mechanism of action, uses or indications, doses and routes of administration, side effects/adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions of concern to dentistry, and more. Detailed dental considerations at the end of each monograph include an easy-to-use, bulleted list of specific dental-related information as well as general drug information. Durable, pocket-sized format provides essential drug information at a glance, and makes this guide ideal for chairside use. Emphasis on oral health, prevention, and treatment from the dental hygienist's perspective makes it easier to use drug information for patient and family education. Coverage of oral contraceptives provides dental information on these commonly used drugs, often known only by their brand names. Primers in the front of the guide include information on biologic agents, medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, and a list of online resources for the management of medically compromised patients along with management of common oral lesions. Evolve companion website includes more than 100 additional monographs, photos of common oral complications, patient education guides, information on herbs and alternative medicine, and more. NEW! More than 50 new monographs include newly released, FDA-approved drugs and up-to-date content on the latest drug therapies.
Call Number: Ebook
Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a GlancePre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance provides a comprehensive and accessible guide to the basic operative skills and core clinical skills required of those about to embark on dental clinical training. It serves as the perfect illustrated introduction for pre-clinical students and a handy revision guide for subsequent undergraduate and postgraduate stages. Following the familiar, easy-to-use At a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with text accompanied by clear colour diagrams and clinical photographs to support conceptual understanding. Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance is a valuable resource for students studying dentistry, dental hygiene, dental therapy or dental nursing, as well as skills-based assessments such as the Overseas Registration Exam or the Licence in Dental Surgery. Key features include: An illustrated introduction to the dental clinical environment, basic operative skills and core clinical skills Key concepts are explained and superbly illustrated enabling you to visualise the intended clinical endpoint Core clinical skills covered include controlling cross-infection, giving and receiving effective feedback, history taking and communication skills A companion website with self-assessment questions for students and teaching notes for instructors
Call Number: Ebook
Secrets of the CDA Exam Study Guide***Includes Practice Test Questions*** Secrets of the CDA Exam helps you ace the Certified Dental Assistant Examination, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive Secrets of the CDA Exam study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. Secrets of the CDA Exam includes: The 5 Secret Keys to DANB Exam Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Don't Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; A comprehensive General Reference review including: Cell Functions, Muscles Of Expression, Nasal Cavity, Tongue, Dental Anatomy, Jaws And Dental Arches, Dental Formula, Dental Notation, Universal Numbering System, Parts Of The Tooth, Dental Tissues, Points Of Reference, Dental Terminology, Location And Position, Teeth, Radiography, Landmarks, Maxillary, Mandibular, Procedures, Extraoral Radiography, Occlusion, Overjet And Overbite, Caries, Sealants, Dental Emergencies And Treatment, Dental Decay, Dentistry Related Pathological Conditions, Ludwig's Angina, Anug, Red Lesions, White Lesions, TMJ Review; A comprehensive Chairside Procedure review including: Set-Up Dental Unit, Instrument Preparation, Sterilizing Instruments, Positioning Chairs, Measurements, Fabrication, and much more...
Call Number: Ebook
Dental Care and Oral Health SourcebookProvides basic consumer health information about dental hygiene, preventive care, and oral health concerns for children and adults, with facts about surgical, orthodontic, and cosmetic dental procedures, and diseases of the mouth and jaw.
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9780780815315
MATC Dental videos
Twenty videos created by the MATC Dental hygiene program to assist students in the Dental programs at MATC.
Click thislinkto go to the MATC Health Dental Hygiene videos.
Below is an example one of the available videos
Selected Books
Dental Assistants and Hygienists: a practical career guideIf you are interested in a career in the dental assistants and hygienists (the allied health field, as it is often called), you've come to the right book. So what exactly do these people do on the job, day in and day out? What kind of skills and educational background do you need to succeed in these fields? How much can you expect to make, and what are the pros and cons of these various fields? Do these career paths have a bright future? Is this even the right career path for you? How do you avoid burnout and deal with stress? This book can help you answer these questions and more. Dental Assistants and Hygienists includes interviews with professionals in the field, covers three main areas of this field that have proven to be stable, lucrative, and growing professions. -Dental assistants -Dental hygienists -Dental technicians
Call Number: 617.602 E566 2019
Jaws!There's a silent epidemic in western civilization, and it is right under our noses. Our jaws are getting smaller and our teeth crooked and crowded, creating not only aesthetic challenges but also difficulties with breathing. Modern orthodontics has persuaded us that braces and oral devices can correct these problems. While teeth can certainly be straightened, what about the underlying causes of this rapid shift in oral evolution and the health risks posed by obstructed airways? Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich, a pioneering orthodontist and a world-renowned evolutionist, respectively, present the biological, dietary, and cultural changes that have driven us toward this major health challenge. They propose simple adjustments that can alleviate this developing crisis, as well as a major alternative to orthodontics that promises more significant long-term relief. Jaws will change your life. Every parent should read this book.
Call Number: 617.6 K124 2018
The Smile StealersThis achingly fascinating book follows the evolution of dentistry throughout the world from the Bronze Age to the present day, featuring captivating, grim illustrations of the tools and techniques of dentistry through the ages. It charts the changing social attitudes toward the purpose and practice of dentistry from the crude and painful endeavors of early civilizations to the fluoridated water, cosmetic surgery, and heightened expectations of today. Organized chronologically, The Smile Stealers interleaves beautiful and gruesome 3D objects, technical illustrations, and paintings from the Wellcome Collection's unique medical archive of material from Europe, America, and the Far East with seven authoritative and eloquent themed articles from medical historian Richard Barnett. Including previously unseen illustrations, this comprehensive review of the development of the trade and discipline of dentistry covers topics as diverse as the very first dentures, the smile revolution in eighteenth-century portraiture, and the role of dentistry in forensic science. The Smile Stealers is guaranteed to appeal to those who see the beauty in medicine and biology as it probes the growth of dentistry.
Call Number: 617.6 B261 2017
The Dental DietTeeth are often considered the marker of health, attractiveness, success, and even happiness. Yet our approach to dental care has been fearful, costly, and segregated from other parts of the body. We've long known that oral health echoes our overall well-being. But what if we were to flip the paradigm? What if we thought about dental health as the foundation for our physical health? Dr Steven Lin, an experienced dentist and the world's leading dental nutritionist, has forged a new scientific outlook to reshape our perception of dental disease. Through ancestral medicine, epigenetics and an examination of the oral and gut microbiome, Dr Lin has developed food-based principles for a holistic health approach that is literally top-down. Merging dental and nutritional science, Dr Lin lays out the dietary program that prevents painful cavities and dental treatment, giving you the resources to raise kids who develop naturally straight teeth. His 40-day meal plan is complete with the Dental Diet food pyramid, exercises for the mouth, recipes and cooking techniques to help you easily and successfully implement these practices in your everyday life. Since our mouth is the gatekeeper of our entire body, keeping our oral microbiome balanced is essential for creating and maintaining a healthy and wholesome self. The tools to improve overall wellness levels and reverse disease are closer than we think-in our markets, in our pantries, and, most frequently, in our mouths.
Call Number: 617.6 L735 2018
Teeth'Show me your teeth', the great naturalist George Cuvier is credited with saying, 'and I will tell you who you are'. In this shattering new work, veteran health journalist Mary Otto looks inside America's mouth, revealing unsettling truths about our unequal society. Teeth takes readers on a disturbing journey into the role teeth play in our health and our social mobility. Muckraking and paradigm-shifting, Teeth exposes for the first time the extent and meaning of our oral health crisis.
Call Number: 617.6 O912 2017
The Mystery of the Exploding Teeth"Delightfully horrifying."--Popular Science One of Mental Floss's Best Books of 2018 One of Science Friday's Best Science Books of 2018 This wryly humorous collection of stories about bizarre medical treatments and cases offers a unique portrait of a bygone era in all its jaw-dropping weirdness. A puzzling series of dental explosions beginning in the nineteenth century is just one of many strange tales that have long lain undiscovered in the pages of old medical journals. Award-winning medical historian Thomas Morris delivers one of the most remarkable, cringe-inducing collections of stories ever assembled. Witness Mysterious Illnesses (such as the Rhode Island woman who peed through her nose), Horrifying Operations (1781: A French soldier in India operates on his own bladder stone), Tall Tales (like the "amphibious infant" of Chicago, a baby that could apparently swim underwater for half an hour), Unfortunate Predicaments (such as that of the boy who honked like a goose after inhaling a bird's larynx), and a plethora of other marvels. Beyond a series of anecdotes, these painfully amusing stories reveal a great deal about the evolution of modern medicine. Some show the medical profession hopeless in the face of ailments that today would be quickly banished by modern drugs; but others are heartening tales of recovery against the odds, patients saved from death by the devotion or ingenuity of a conscientious doctor. However embarrassing the ailment or ludicrous the treatment, every case in The Mystery of the Exploding Teeth tells us something about the knowledge (and ignorance) of an earlier age, along with the sheer resilience of human life.
Call Number: 610 M875 2018
Dental Assisting Exam Review 2019-2020You're probably thinking this is just another typical study guide. Because we know your time is limited, we've created a resource that isn't like most study guides. With Trivium Test Prep's unofficial Dental Assisting Exam Review 2019-2020: CDA Test Prep Study Guide and Practice Test Questions for the Certified Dental Assistant Exam you'll benefit from a quick-but-comprehensive review of everything tested on the exam via real-life examples, graphics, and information. Our materials give you that extra edge you need to pass the first time. DAN-B was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Trivium Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product. Trivium Test Prep's Dental Assisting Exam Review 2019-2020 offers: A detailed overview of what you need to know for the dental assisting exam Coverage of all the subjects over which you will be tested Practice questions for you to practice and improve Test tips and strategies to help you score higher Trivium Test Prep's Dental Assisting Exam Review 2019-2020 covers: General Chairside Radiation Infection Control ...and includes practice test questions About Trivium Test Prep Trivium Test Prep is an independent test prep study guide company that produces and prints all of our books right here in the USA. Our dedicated professionals know how people think and learn, and have created our test prep products based on what research has shown to be the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to prepare for the exam. Unlike other study guides that are stamped out in a generic fashion, our study materials are specifically tailored for your exact needs. We offer a comprehensive set of guides guaranteed to raise your score for exams from every step of your education; from high school, to college or the military, to graduate school. Let our study guides guide you along the path to the professional career of your dreams
Call Number: 617.6 D417 2019
Color Atlas of Common Oral DiseasesFeaturing over 800 clear, high-quality photographs and radiographic illustrations, this fully updated Fifth Edition of Color Atlas of Common Oral Diseases is designed throughout to help readers recognize and identify oral manifestations of local or systemic diseases. The new edition includes expanded and updated content and is enhanced by new images, new case studies, a stronger focus on national board exam prep, and more.The book's easy-to-navigate, easy-to-learn-from standard format consists of two-page spreads that provide a narrative overview on one page with color illustrations on the facing page. To integrate oral diagnosis, medicine, pathology, and radiology, the overviews emphasize the clinical description of oral lesions, cover the nature of various disease processes, and provide a brief discussion of cause and treatment options.