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The biggest difference is that In-Class Tutoring is voluntary for both the instructor and the student, while Embedded Tutoring is required.
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(Math tutor) Tom has an amazing approach, explaining math concepts in a way that really helped them make sense to me, and I don’t think I could have passed the course with an A without him.
Crystal, student
Embedded Tutoring is tutoring that is required in classrooms, with additional study sessions possible as needed. We provide embedded in two types of course at MATC, contextualized math courses and co-requisite courses.
Embedded Tutoring works best with in-person and virtual courses that have set class times and meeting "locations" for discussing class content.
MATH-134, Mathematical Reasoning, is a contextualized math course that serves as a mathematics requirement for select programs. This course may be used as the first of a two-part sequence that ends with Math-135 (or 250), Quantitative Reasoning, as the capstone general education math requirement. Both have embedded tutors.
There is no prerequisite for taking MATH-134. However, MATH-134 may serve as the prerequisite for MATH-200, Intermediate Algebra.
The MATH-134 course uses the curriculum of Carnegie Quantway Core and the online platform of Realizeit. With a contextualized math curriculum, it is designed to help students use math in real-world examples. It is typically a late-start 12-week course at MATC.
The course is not lecture-driven. During class time, the instructor introduces a lesson and then functions as a guide, moving between small groups that collaborate and discuss how to solve problems. The instructor summarizes the results and methods used by the groups and answers questions related to the problems.
The instructor and tutor, who tutors during class time, encourage students to find and apply various strategies for solving problems in small groups. Active participation of each group member is expected during the constructive struggle of solving problems. Students plan, work and reflect.
Tutors support the students and instructors by welcoming a variety of problem-solving strategies. They guide students with open-ended and probing questions to discover how to achieve the answer to a problem. They encourage students to complete their online homework in Realizeit to achieve success in the course.
Homework falls into two categories: preparation, which is homework to be completed before the lesson (class); and exercises, to be completed after the lesson (class).
As needed, tutors offer additional tutoring sessions after class.
Course Catalog search results for Math-134 (and -135) look like this:
MATC offers additional teaching and tutoring support for select general-education math and English courses, using co-requisite (CR) 700-level courses.
These gateway courses are designed to ensure student progress through academic programs: Students who take these courses do not have to take pre-requisite courses to get into the math or English courses required as part of their programs. This saves students both time and money.
The Math Department offers gateway content courses that are matched with 700-level "co-requisite support courses." MATHCR courses may be assigned embedded tutors to support students during class.
The English Department offers gateway English courses with "enhanced instruction," which means the ENGE course instructor spends additional class time with students in a 700-level support course. Tutors are not involved in enhanced instruction.
Course Catalog search results for math co-requisite courses (MATHCR) look like this:
Course Catalog search results for English Enhanced courses (ENGE) look like this: