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Academic Support Centers: ASC specs

Discover more about what services each Academic Support Center offers.

Lab specifics

Milwaukee Campus | Mequon Campus | Oak Creek Campus | West Allis Campus | online support

Milwaukee Campus

MATC Stormer Pass ID cards are needed for printing and borrowing textbooks and other supplies. 

Center Assistance provided Location (maps, too)
   Computer Center   
  • Microsoft Office
  • CAD software
  • Quick Books and Peachtree software
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • computer programming
  • IT tutoring
  • computer courses
  • keyboarding
  • multimedia presentations
  • website creation
  • computer use
  • internet use

Room M273

Math & Science Center
(math help)

  • Accounting
  • computer-assisted math programs
  • calculations for engineering
  • math videos, DVDs
  • assorted levels of math 
  • occupational math (including Business, Information Technology, Health Occupations, and STEM courses)  
  • statistics
  • algebra, trig and calculus
  • computer use
  • internet use
  • Tutoring Services & Academic Support offices

Room C271

Math & Science Center
(science help)

  • anatomy & physiology (with anatomy models)
  • muscles of the armcomputer-assisted programs in astronomy, biology, chemistry, medical terminology, microbiology, nutrition, physics, psychology, sociology  
  • health sciences
  • physical sciences
  • social sciences
  • technical sciences
  • computer use
  • internet use
  • Tutoring Services & Academic Support offices

Room C271

Writing Center

  • course-related written assignments and projects
  • tutoring in English writing
  • research papers and projects (MLA or APA documentation)
  • computer use
  • internet use

Room C258

Mequon Campus

Center Assistance provided Location

Academic Support Center
  (includes Test Monitoring and Tutoring Services)  

  • anatomy models
  • muscles of the armcomputer courses
  • computer-assisted programs
  • instructional programs and videos
  • math
  • sciences
  • business writing
  • research papers and projects (MLA or APA documentation)  
  • computer use
  • internet use

 Room A282

Oak Creek Campus

Center Assistance provided Location

Academic Support Center
  (includes Test Monitoring and Tutoring Services) 

  • anatomy & physiology (with anatomy models)
  • muscles of the armcomputer courses
  • computer-assisted programs
  • instructional programs and videos
  • math
  • sciences (including anatomy & physiology)
  • business writing
  • research papers and projects (MLA or APA documentation)  
  • computer use
  • internet access

 Room A100 D&E 

West Allis Campus

Center Assistance provided Location

Academic Support Center
  (includes Test Monitoring and Tutoring Services) 

  • anatomy models
  • muscles of the armcomputer courses
  • computer-assisted programs
  • instructional programs and videos
  • math
  • sciences (including anatomy & physiology)
  • business writing
  • research papers and projects (MLA or APA documentation)  
  • computer use
  • internet use

Room 249

Academic Support online

Service Assistance provided


  • online tutoring in most subjects 24/7/365 
  • interaction is live in real time

  Online Writing Lab  

  • writing help via email in all courses
  • responses can be expected in one business day