The terms used in Subject Searching are determined by an Information Professional. They examine the item and determine what it is about, and then assign the Subject Headings from a list of pre-determined terms, called a "controlled vocabulary."
A Subject Search will result in very relevant items.
- You don't have to type in all synonyms for a word because they will be assigned the same subject heading
- But we may not always know exactly what words are used for a particular subject
- You could do a keyword search first, find a relevant item, and then look at that item to see what subject heading is assigned to it. Many times Subject Headings are clickable links.
- Example: if I type in the keyword "death penalty" and look at my item, I see the subject is "Capital Punishment."
So now you know if you typed in "capital punishment" as a subject search you could get results that include items that also use the words such as "death penalty," "execution," "death row," "lethal injection," etc. in one search