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Tutorial: How to Work Online: Phone options

What's happening

If you choose to call students, we ask that you make your phone number private.

Simple phone hack

An easy way to make your number private is to dial *67 before entering the 10-digit phone number. This will block your number so that the person you dial cannot see it.

Sarah Helding,, can get you contact information you need.

Collaborate teleconferencing

Students do not need to log in to Collaborate on devices. They instead may call in to sessions with any regular phone, using it as a teleconference platform. So can you!

You can speak to callers joining sessions the same way you speak to students who log in. You may use either your microphone or your own phone for audio.

We publish the Collaborate room phone number and PIN for each session along with the link to the room.

Google teleconferencing

Because MATC uses Gmail for its official email, students have easy access to Google tools, including Google Meet

Like Collaborate, Google Meet is a video-conferencing platform. Just like Collaborate, it can be used as a simple teleconferencing tool using phones.

Note: This is for phone calls only. We expect you to use Collaborate for actual tutoring because neither IT Support nor the Distance Learning support team can help students or staff who struggle with other products.

Google phone

Another Google tool is Google Voice, a cloud-based phone system. Voice allows you to pick a new phone number to use for free. Voice also offers forwarding, texting and emailing features.

You must learn how to use Voice on your own, however.

Note: This is for phone calls only. We expect you to use Collaborate for actual tutoring because neither IT Support nor the Distance Learning support team can help students or staff who struggle with other products.