TOEFL is the most widely recognized test used to assess English language skills.
Use this guide to locate materials that will help you prepare for the TOEFL exam.
You can call the Admissions Information Office at 414-297-MATC if you have questions about MATC programs, or you can visit the Welcome Center at any campus for assistance.
The Library has resources available to help you prepare for your exam even if you are not currently enrolled in classes. If you need access to our books, please complete this form for access to our resources to help you prepare.
Please allow 48 hours for access to be granted. If you have further questions, please contact one of these Library staff:
Diane Kercheck @ 414.297.7559 or email
Melissa Stiglich @ 414.456.5393 or email
To access the practice exams, just type in "toefl" in the search box, and click on the magnifying glass.