Tutoring Services & Academic Support
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We use an employee timecard that can be completed on mobile devices. Please follow the instructions below; consult department staff or your supervisor if you have any doubts about they way you are filling out your timecard.
Tutors, to find your employee timecard, log in to Self-Service (Ellucian Go) using the same login and password that you use for your email and Blackboard. Timecards are in the "employee" section under "time entry."
Remember: Submit your attendance sheets to the student attendance sheets folder the same day timecards are due so we can spot check your Navigate data entries.
Follow the instructions provided by the CareerHub / Work Study office or Payroll, which should have been emailed to you. Remember:
When you submit your attendance sheet to Google Drive, it can be in any format: Word, PDF, Google Sheet, Excel doc. For those of you using paper attendance sheets, take a photo of it to submit in JPG or HEIC format.
1. First, open your MATC Gmail.
Then, open the Drive folder: Student attendance sheets.
2. If you get an error message, saying you need to request access to the folder, then you are in your personal Google Drive account. Instead, you should be in your MATC Drive, which you can check from the top right of your screen:
3. Once you are in your MATC Drive folder, search for the “student attendance sheets” folder, which was shared with you. Now you should be able to open it to see:
4. Open the folder that is for your hire status to find correct pay-period folder:
5. Once in that folder, do a new file upload (or drag and drop):
6. Upload your attendance sheet.
Note: If you use a file already in your Drive, you can simply move/copy to this folder or add a shortcut to the folder; adjust the settings for sharing as needed.